5. That Voice

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The weather was stormy, winds were semi strong, waves crashed hard against the rocky shore. Rey had Chewie check up on the Resistance as she went outside of the Falcon to get some fresh air.

It never rained on Jakku. Everyone, everyday, was desperate for hydration. And now, she didn't have to worry about it anymore. Water surrounded her where she was. Well, she was on an island.

The sound of the crashing waves soothed her overthinking, stubborn mind and made her smile softly.

Sounds of machinery and metal clinking behind a glass wall filled his ears. Kylo stared distantly at the weapons constructing facility beneath him. He didn't know where his mind was, not thinking about anything specific, and not focusing on anything in front of him.

Then the sound of an ocean in the distance met his eardrum. It got louder as if it were coming closer. He slowly began to turn around to face the direction he heard it from and in a split second, it was as if all sound and air was sucked out of the room. And there, he faced the scavenger, whose face clearly showed vengeance for him.

"Why is the force connecting us? You and I-"

"Murderous snake!" Rey spat at him with visible hatred, "You're too late, you've lost. I found Skywalker!"

"Did he tell you what happened?" Ren said, catching the girl off guard, "The night that I destroyed his temple. Did he tell you why?" He continued as he took a couple small steps forward.

"I know everything I need to know about you." Rey said, sounding sure of herself.

"You do?" he questioned, making Rey begin to doubt a little, "Ah, you do." he said just above a whisper, "You have that look in your eyes, from the forest...when you called me a monster-"

"You are a monster!"

Kylo lowered his chin and looked deep into her eyes, "Yes I am."

He knew himself well, to some extent. He knew he felt a sense of being lost, couldn't figure out who he wanted to be. But he also knew that he had done many bad things, terrible things. He was a monster, and he knew it. He knew it all, and he's accepted it.

Rey was taken aback once again by his response. Did he just agree? She thought to herself. He had just let his conflict and self-hatred surface, letting Rey see past the villain she thought he was, in that moment, throwing her perception of him into disarray.

Kylo disappeared before her eyes as she stood there, not knowing what to feel or how to think. All she could wonder about was how he didn't fight back against what she said about him. Why did he agree that he was a monster? Why isn't he doing anything to change that? Did he want her to see that it was true to him and maybe help him change? She felt curiosity urge through her system, knowing that the next time she sees him, she'll let her guard down a little, and get to know him more...

Rey and Ben stepped off the loading ramp and onto the sand filled planet beneath them. They began walking toward a small hut that had a large opening in the ground behind it.

"Ah, my uncle's old home," Ben smiled softly, "Only been here once."

"When was the last time you were here?" Rey asked curiously as she handed Anakin and Leia's lightsabers to him. Ben looked out into the horizon as if he were thinking back to a distant memory, sabers placed lightly into his hands.

"Before I left for Jedi training. I was very little, don't know what brought us here, whatever the reason, I'm thankful. It's so beautiful, very peaceful..." Ben said looking back out toward the sunset after turning back to Rey to answer her. He looked back at the sabers in his hands and closed his eyes, taking in the meaning and power of what those lightsabers were. His mother's, his grandfather's, then his uncle's. It was his family, and what they were. A strong force-bound family, destined to bring balance to the galaxy, something it long deserved since ages past.

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