3. Brand New

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He stopped in his tracks, hearing the name he once went by coming from the person he envied. In the distance, he heard a soft Wookiee call. Turning on his heal, he stood still in the middle of the metal bridge.

"Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Kylo said in a monotone way, trying to eliminate any evidence of emotion.

The guilt-wrenched father took a deep breath in and began to walk across the steel. In the corner of his eye, Kylo saw two people walk through metal doors onto the small balcony, over seeing the mass space of a room they were all in. The traitor. The scavenger.

"Take off that mask! You don't need it." Han said to the machine-like man before him.

"What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"The face of my son."

Kylo stood there staring at the old man, then he reached up and lifted the mask off his head. Han swallowed hard, this was the first time he'd seen his son as a man since he was sent away as a kid to train with Luke.

"Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish, like his father. So I destroyed him."

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe," Han said in a pleading way towards his damaged son, "but it's not true. My son is alive."

"No, the Supreme Leader is wise."

"Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you." Kylo nudged his foot back a little, then Han looked deep into his eyes, "You know it's true."

The scared boy in him quivered his chin, "its too late-"

"-no it's not. Leave here with me, come home," Han began to feel the desperation grow within himself, "we miss you."

"I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain," Kylo couldn't decipher whether his sincerity was real or play-pretend. But deep down, though he wouldn't admit it, he knew he felt lost. He felt lonely.

He didn't feel...loved.

"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." Kylo wanted to believe he was just acting but Han saw in his eyes, he was begging to be freed from his tortured mind.

"Will you help me?"

"Yes, anything." Han responded in a heartbeat, desperation evident in his voice now, if it wasn't already before. At this point, Kylo didn't know what to feel anymore. Was he just using his father's vulnerability to his advantage or was he really asking for help?

He looked down and dropped his mask. Looking back up at his father, Kylo took his lightsaber off his belt and lifted it between them. Holding it with two hands, he handed it to Han. Han looked down at the weapon, and then placed his hand on it.

Now, if one were to be watching the scene unfold before them, they would've believed that Han was trying to pull it away from Kylo and Kylo was resisting. But only the father and son would know what truly happened. Ben tried to push the saber towards his father to take away but Han firmly kept it there between them. Then, without preparation, Han presses the ignite button whilst lightly pulling Kylo towards him in attempt to make everyone, including Kylo to believe that it was he that killed his father.

Every thinkable emotion flooded through Kylo's mind, but he fixed it on one and ignored the rest. Accomplished. He finally witnessed the death of the man who he blamed everything wrong for in his life. The death...of his dad.

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