12. Secrets

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"Hello, flower." Kylo said in a deep voice, looking down at her.

Rey's jaw clenched as she stared him down.

"Why are you doing this? When you were—still yourself, you had light in you. You had hope. What changed? Do you even have a motive for all this?" Rey questioned immediately as she stood her ground, while also trying to hold back her anger. Maybe she could get more answers if she kept her cool.

Kylo began to pace around her slowly, "For starters, there's no light in me. I am the manifestation of Ben's darkness, most of it anyway."

Rey furrowed her brows in confusion. Most of it?

"My motives. They're the same as it's always been. Rule the galaxy."

"Sounds cliche." Rey snarked. Ren's face tensed, the way she had seen it done before. She remembered all the little moments she'd tried to capture while examining him through their bonds. From the way his face moved to where his eyes wandered. Rey wanted to take him all in while she could because at the time, she thought her moments with him would be limited, and she thought she could maybe get some answers from the way he reacted to her actions. Though she hadn't realized, the attraction grew, a fire was too close to the flammables that were her feelings. And standing before Ren right then, why couldn't she feel any different? Any...hatred?

"Cliche, sure. But it's what one gets out of ruling the galaxy. Wrongs need to be made right, voices need to be heard—truths need to be told." He was standing right in front of Rey. Their faces not quite close enough to be in the danger zone, but practically there.

Rey bit her tongue as she tried to suppress the growing anger in her. She was mad at him. Why? Why was she mad at him yet, she didn't hate him?

"Truths." Ren repeated softer and lower. Rey thought she might've heard some seductiveness in there too.

"Ren," she warned, "what are you trying to imply?"

Rey continued to stand her ground as Kylo lowered his head to level with hers.

Then, he looked into her eyes, searched through them. He already knew the truth, but he wanted to know if she would show the card too. And it was there.

"I see you already know the truth," He started.

The familiar words rang faintly through her head.

"—you're keeping secrets from the one you love. You're keeping me from him. Maybe he already knows, maybe not. But you haven't exposed our little secret yet, have you?" He was pushing her buttons, but what she didn't understand was why he was so soft about it all.

"Why are you keeping it from him, Rey?" He asked genuinely, in a soft quiet voice.

Rey found herself letting her guard down little by little. Her heart was throbbing and she didn't even realize it. Her cheeks slowly began to heat up as the space between them started to close.

"I-" Rey couldn't find her words. It was as if she were under a trance, his trance.

Ren stopped right before their lips could touch and looked back into her eyes.

"You still see the light in me. You want to see me as him, fully him. But deep down, you're caught onto the darkness of what was Kylo Ren, the darkness of Ben Solo. And you love the thrill of it."

Rey broke from his trance as she felt electricity flicker between her fingers.

"There it is," he dragged out, "the darkness. The truth."

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