10. Still a Part of You

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The old lady smiled, her eyes hidden from the wrinkles.

"It's been a long time, Rey. But I knew I would see you again." She gestured for the young woman to sit beside her. Rey obliged.

"For the longest time, I didn't even know who my family was. I couldn't place a face on any of them, but slowly, they're all coming back to me." Rey said looking down at her hands.

The old lady patted Rey's knee for assurance, a gesture for her to continue, knowing she had questions that needed to be answered.

"Who else is there, Nami?" She asked, calling her grandmother by the name she'd given her when she was very young.

"Mmmh," Nami hummed as she thought, "there is one." She turned and looked at her grown granddaughter.

Rey looked into her kind, squinted eyes, eager for the answer.

"Your grandfather, I suppose."

Rey's heart dropped, her mind immediately adverted to the dark Sith that she defeated not too long ago. Nami chuckled at the sight of her face expression, drained of color.

"Not that one, sweetheart. You have two grandfathers y'know. Yes, I know of Palpatine, why else would you have been torn from me. But I speak of the one I fell in love with long ago." Nami looked out distantly with her signature smile...

"Hi, what can I get you?" The beautiful young lady smiled at the man who stood on the receiving end of the bar-top.

"Ardees, please." He responded kindly with a soft smile.

"Ah Jawa Juice it is, coming right up!" She smiled and turned around, making the drink.

Placing the drink in front of the man before her, she furrowed her brows as she looked up at him.

"I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking."

The man was silent for just a moment and then smiled.

"Ben. Ben Kenobi."

"Well, Ben Kenobi, welcome to Tatooine." She said with a beautiful, glimmering smile.

"Please, he fell in love with me right away!" Nami chuckled out. Rey shook her head light heartedly as her grandmother recalled the first time she met her soulmate.

"No I'm just joking. It took him a while to open up in that way, and sure, it took me a while too. Guess it was our age difference. I've always been good at reading people, and I knew immediately that he was a man with a broken heart. From love, he had lost a lover and a brother."

Rey frowned as she connected to the pain Kenobi had felt. She had lost many people in her life but had learnt to deal with it.

"What's your name, might I ask." Ben asked the young bartender.

"Nala, my name is Nala." She said.

"Well, Nala, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Nala smiled back.

"You don't seem to be from here either. What planet are you from?" Ben asked as they kicked off conversation.

"Naboo is my home planet. I've been here for a while, but getting here is a whole other story for another time."

"Another time?" Ben smirked jokingly and the two laughed.

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