chapter 3

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season 2, episode 3

             Lilah was sat in detention, her knee shaking anxiously. detention wasn't something that she got often and she hates that she got it was for something she didn't do.

"so.. do you think Isaac killed your father?" Stiles blurted. her head shot to stiles in disbelief, shocked he would ask her that.

"no i don't." she answered. "why do you care? you don't even know my brother."

"i know isaac.. he plays on the team." he told the girl defensively.

"really? never knew that" she muttered, sarcasm lacing her voice.

"hey! thought I was suppose to be the sarcastic one." he teased, causing her to roll her eyes playfully. he just grinned at turned around facing the front of the room.


finally after what felt like forever the pair got out of detention.

lilah stood at the front of the school not knowing where to go, her home was now a crime scene and her brother was at the police station, stiles spoke on the phone next to his jeep. she decided to message her auntie, she had already received a message from the older woman about her father and she was told her and isaac were welcome to stay at her home.

he finally noticed the girl standing awkwardly near the school entrance, making his way towards her, fidgeting with his fingers.

"hey why you standing out here, do you need a ride?" he asked her as he made his way next to her.

"actually, would you mind dropping me at my aunts house, I.. uh.. can't really go home, the police have blocked everything up." she sighed.

stiles didn't hesitate, a small smile taking over his face. "of course, hop in."


"thank you" lilah said as she got out of the car.

"hey, um.. i was wondering.. could i have your number? as friends obviously, just so I can contact you. about like.. uh.. stuff." he rambled, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"uh.. yeah, sure stiles" the brunette chuckled and put  her number in his phone, he thanked her as she passed him back his phone.

he watched her walk into her aunts house, waiting until she was inside before driving off.

once lilah opens the door to her aunties house she was greeted with a hug. her body stiffened slightly until it was over.

"hey, I kinda just want to go to bed." lilah said, her auntie pulling away awkwardly.

"of course, sweetie." her aunt replied, smiling. lilah forced a smile back and made her way upstairs.

she stopped at the spare room, sadness washing over her as she stepped into the room she will probably be staying at for a while and pulled her phone out, setting her alarm and laying on the bed. it felt strange and unfamiliar, she tried to ignore whatever was going on in her head and eventually dozed off.


everyone were with coach, standing in front of a climbing wall.

lilah watched as scott and allison were on the wall and allison knocked his foot, causing him to fall and everyone including coach laughed.

"mccall, I don't know why but your pain gives me a special kind of joy... right here." Coach grinned still laughing as he held where his heart is.

"alright, next two.. stilinski.. erica.. lets go, the wall." he demanded.

stiles and erica began to climb the wall, stiles already making it to the top and back down while erica stood frozen in place. stiles got to the bottom and lifted his arms in victory.

erica began to freak out, clutching onto the wall as a few students whispered. lilah panicked as she watched the blonde girl visibly shake.

"help, please.." she cried.

"erica.. dizzy.. is it vertigo?" Coach said causing lilah to shake her head.

"vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia says. coach turned to her confused, not getting what lydia had told him.

"shes just freaking out." lydia added on, hearing an "oh" from coach, still lost in thought.

"erica, you're okay, just come down slowly." lilah spoke in an attempt to calm the poor girl.

eventually erica made her way down the wall, hey eyes not leaving the floor as everyone began to laugh. she shuffled away, tears flooding her eyes.

"hey, erica wait." lilah sighed as she chased after her.

"what? planning on embarrassing me more?" she yelled, throwing her body around to face lilah.

"no.. I came to see if you were okay." she replied, noticing the way ericas gaze softened for a second.

"i'm fine" she said, she forced a smile before walking away.


it was the next day and lilah still hadn't seen isaac. she tried to text him but his messages weren't going through, she was getting even more worried.

she spotted stiles and scott sat in the cafeteria so she rushed up to them.

"hey, have either of you guy seen my brother?" she asked, the boys jumped at her sudden appearance.

"who? me? nope." scott breathed out guiltily and stiles slapped his hands to his face with a groan.

lilah didn't get chance to speak up again as she noticed their heads turn to something, their jaws visibly dropped. she turned her head to look at the scene and her eyes widened as she noticed erica walk into the cafeteria, she wore heels and a mini skirt, a smirk on her face.

"erica?" lilah whispered to no particular person.

"what the holy hell is that?" lydia questioned as she made it to their table, slamming her hands on the table furiously.

"it's erica." scott said in shock. erica took a bit out of some kids apple, looking over to the table scott and stiles were at before she walked out now impressed she made an entrance.

"well that was kinda unnecessary.." lilah shrugged, making the three look at her.

scott and stiles rushed out of their chairs and ran after the blonde, lilah followed curiously, catching up to the boys. they watched as she got into a gorgeous black camaro, a man with sunglasses in the drivers seat.

the boys were gobsmacked as the car drove off, glancing at each other knowingly.

"who was that?" lilah questioned, her jaw dropped.

"he is an ass!" stiles huffed, squinting his eyes at her impressed expression.

"he's kinda hot." she grinned. she forced a cough, her eyes widened awkwardly as she looked around. "and... I just said that out loud, so i'm going to leave."

"he's not that hot!" Stiles yelled towards the girl who was rushing back into the school, a strange feeling in his chest.

Hope you all had a good Christmas :))

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