Chapter 15

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              After yesterday, stiles had informed me on what happened with Derek and Erica.

Since then I haven't really been doing anything, Scott was doing god knows what and I know stiles was eating with his dad.

I was still staying with my aunt, much to my dismay. I never had a good relationship with my aunt. That meaning I hated her. I had a reason for my hatred though.

She knew about my father hitting me and my brother and she did nothing about it, so for that she's not really my favorite person. It infuriates me how she could just let it happen. And then she expects me to be all lovey dovey with her. Not gonna happen.

She tries taking to me a lot but I just stay in my room, also know as the guest room, that's where I was right now. I had just finished getting ready for school and my uncle was going to drive me.

I got outside the car and as if on purpose, stiles blue jeep came round the corner and parked in front of me. Scott and stiles jump out the vehicle going on about the tickets stiles hasn't been shutting up about. Of course I already had a ticket, Danny gave me a spare, I decided not to tell them yet just for my entertainment.

"Hey Boys." I say as they walk towards me.

Scott smiles at me when he sees I'm standing there "Hey Lilah." Stiles says going to stand next to me.

"Hey!" Someone yelled making me jump slightly. We all turned around to see Matt walking towards us.

"Either of you guys know why no ones getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?" He questions.

"Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt." Stiles shrugged and I raised my eyebrows at his lie as Erica popped in my head and Matt somewhat unconscious.

"I had a concussion.." Matt stated.

"Well, nobody got seriously hurt." Stiles groaned in annoyance.

"Here we go." I mutter glancing at Scott in amusement.

"I was in the ER for six hours." Matt groaned.

"Hey, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now!" Stiles huffed placing his hand close to the ground.

"Okay, he gets it." I chuckle, grabbing stiles's hand lightly and lifting it off the ground.

Scott sighs before walking towards Matt a little. "Are you okay?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." Matt replies. "So you didn't get any tickets last night either." He adds.

"Are they still selling?" Scott asks.

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