Chapter 5

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season 2 episode 4

"okay, so let me get this straight.." lilah spoke, looking towards stiles. "so, werewolves exist.. scott's a werewolf.. along with this derek dude, erica and my brother?" she said, going over everything as she watches stiles nod repeatedly.

"and.. you're only just telling me now?" she added, raising her eyebrow.

"I mean we only just starting hanging out.. not really sure how that happened.. which is great!" He tells the girl. "now can we go and get my car fixed please?" He asked and she just simply nodded.


they were at the car dealership and stiles was arguing with the man fixing his jeep. lilah sat on a chair with a magazine in her hand, trying to ignore the bickering.

"hey.. hey.. w..what do you think you're doing? all I needed was a starter!" he yelled.

"yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system's gotta be replaced." the man stated, getting stiles riled up.

"look, stiles the man knows what he's doing." lilah sighed. he just turned to her with a betrayed look before turning back to the man.

"why have I got a feeling your slightly overestimating the damage?" He huffed at the worker.

"it's probably gonna run you around like 1,200, parts and labor." He told stiles, ignoring the fact he is really annoyed.

"are you kidding? this think doesn't even have a catalytic converter.. and yes, I know what a catalytic converter is!" Stiles argued back.

"guys!" she groan, not like they would listen to her.

"you know what a limited slip differential is?" The man argued back.

"uhh.. no." stiles said hesitantly.

"yeah, could run you more like 1,500." the man stated and lilah rolled her eyes.

"okay.. just finish." stiles sighed in defeat. "i'll be back here seething with impotent rage!" de commented before walking towards lilah.

he grabbed the door handle and grimaced as his hand was covered in some sort of goo, lilah was really glad she didn't touch that handle first.

"oh... nice. that's real sanitary" stiles sighed. "quality establishment your running here." He shouted to the guy who's working.

"okay, can we stop shouting.. it's making my head hurt." lilah huffed, walking closer to stiles.

he fully opened the door and held it for the slightly shorter girl. "thank you." she said, walking into the room.

stiles wipes his hand on his arm, he turns to a photo on the wall and it's a picture of the man who's working on stiles's jeep and he's in a beacon hills lacrosse uniform. "figures." He said.

he took his phone out and begun to type, grunting when he struggled to move his fingers.

"hey, you okay?" lilah asked him, concerned.

"yeah.. I just.. can't seem to move my fingers." was all he said before he dropped his phone. the girl shoots up in response.

"stiles?" she yelped, his hands shaking uncontrollably. "stiles!"

he began breathing heavy and looked towards the Jeep. his eyes widened making lilah copy his action to see a hand of what seems to be some sort of reptile.

"what the hell is that!" she mumbled, walking backwards making her bump into a desk.

"oh... hey..hey!" stiles shouted towards the worker. the reptile thing sliced behind the mans neck causing him to turn around.

stiles begun to walk towards the door but stumbled and fell onto the ground. lilah shot forward, grabbing him just before he hit the floor and lowered him gently.

"what's going on, are you okay?" she rambled, knowing he was obviously not okay. he started shuffling closer to the door so he could see what was going on, not replying to her question.

"grab my phone!" Stiles let out, looking towards her.

"oh no, I can't, that gross stuff is on it!" she said to stiles.

"what about your phone." He asks.

"uhh.." she starting to think. "ugh, I left it at home!" she groaned slapping her head in anger.

"hey, it's okay, don't worry.. don't get mad we will figure something out." stiles spoke gently, trying to calm her down. thankfully it was working.

"it's gonna kill him! I can stop it! but there's that gross stuff in the door handle.. ugh screw it!" she argued with herself before she hesitantly grabbed the door handle repeating the word ew.

she felt this feeling go through her body and her hands began to shake just likes stiles's did.

"oh no.." she muttered, before falling in front of him.


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