Chapter 18

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I was currently sat outside of the guidance counselors office, waiting for stiles to finish with his session.

My knee bouncing rapidly, Luckily the guidance counselor couldn't talk to me unless they had parental consent and I kinda guilt tripped my aunt into letting me off with the session, I didn't need- I didn't want, to talk to anyone.

The door opened and I stood up rapidly.

"Hey.." I smiled sadly.

"Hey." He sighed.

I nod my head in the direction of the exit, silently telling him we should go and he nodded before following me out.

He drove me home, which I thanked him for. I told him I would see him at the game. Which was true.

Once I arrived at the game, it hadn't actually started yet so me and Melissa, who was now talking to Scott, walked into the locker room.

Once we had walked in, coach decided to do his little speech. Which wasn't actually his speech, since he stole it off a movie. But he does it every year.

We ended up standing behind stiles, he gave me a smile before turning to the coach.

"Good morning." He said, earning Melissas attention.

"In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind." Coach added.

I covered my mouth with my hand, to hold in my laugh. I heard Melissa say 'what?' as she looked around, confused.

"Mankind.. that word should have a new meaning for all of us today." Coach said seriously, making me burst out with laughter.

Melissa, confused as hell, patted stiles's shoulder, getting his attention.

"What the hell is he talking about?" She asked, as coach continued his speech.

"He does this every year." Stiles groaned.

"Seriously?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah." Stiles sighed.

"We're fighting for our right to live." Coach continued.

All the guys in the locker room yelled a 'yeah' making me jump at the sudden noise.

"I think I just watched into hell.." I muttered. Stiles chuckled lightly at my joke making me grin at him.

Lahey's sister • stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now