Chapter 14

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              "If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him." Allison says over the phone.

"Or he doesn't remember." Scott added.

"What if it's the same thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles spoke.

"A fugue state?" I speak up.

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder." Scott replied.

"Getting rid of the blood." Allison added.

"But he had help with one thing. The video. And someone else helped him forget that." Stiles says.

"Whoever's controlling him." Scott announced.

"Are you sure that Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asked.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles replied.

"How is that even possible?" I mutter to no one in particular.

"So do we try to convince him he's not?" Allison questions.

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah." Scott answers.

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Allison asked again.

"He will probably talk to Lilah." Stiles mumbled now with an annoyed tone making me scrunch my eyebrows at him.

Sheriff stilinski called scott and stiles into a room and I stood at the door with Melissa so I could listen. Jackson's dad pacing around the room slightly.

"You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Sheriff stilinski read.

I bite my nails and try hold my laughter in at the mess they got themselves into.

"What about school.." Stiles began.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance." Stilinski huffed.

"Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other." Stiles continued.

Everyone turned to face stiles with an annoyed look and I just try not to laugh. It's silent for a bit as sheriff stilinski crosses his arms.

"I'll just hold it." Stiles finished.

After the conversation I go grab some water. I walk back and see Melissa talking to Scott.

"Really Scott, really?" I hear her say. "I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded." She huffed.

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