Chapter 6

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season 2, episode 4

"lilah.. lilah, are you okay?" Stiles panicked.

"yes stiles, I'm fine it's okay." she told him.

"oh my god.." she cried out, causing stiles to panic.

"what? what's wrong, are you okay?" stiles said freaking out even more.

"yes.. I just told you that, look at your jeep." she added.

"oh god.. it's okay don't panic!" He muttered. "i'm not panicking stiles."

"my phones here I'll try call for help." he went on.

He began writing in the number as his hands shook in fear.

"Close your eyes!" he stuttered. "oh god."

she shut her eyes quickly trying not to freak out too much. "911, what's your emergency?" she heard causing her to sign in relief.


eventually, the police showed up. the reptile was no longer there and lilah and stiles could move again.

stiles still had a panicked look but she didn't comment on it because of what just happened, course he would be scared.

he seemed to spot something and grabbed her hand again. "come on!" stiles said dragging her towards a car and practically forced her in the front seat.

"hey, don't you wanna sit in the front..?" she asked, turning back at him.

"no it's okay, you can!" he tells her.

"you okay?" scott asks us.

"you're right.. it's not like you.." stiles spoke.

scott's head shot up and looked at lilah. "she knows.." stiles said. "anyways, it's eyes were almost like.. reptilian.. but there was something about them." Stiles continued.

"what do you mean?" Scott asked.

"you know when you see, like, a friend in a halloween mask.. but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just cant figure out who it is?" Stiles spoke.

"are you saying you know who it is?" Scott hesitated.

"no.. but I think it knew me." Stiles added.

"well that's not creepy." lilah muttered, gaining a look from stiles.

"can you drive me home please..?" she asked Scott.

"Uh yeah." Scott smiled lightly.


"stiles.. really?" lilah said playfully rolling her eyes.

He was dragging her down the hall, again, but they made a stop once they got to the stairs where Scott was sat.

"hi, scott." I smile, he nods in response.

"okay, let's do this!" scott said to stiles.

"okay, umm I'm so sorry about the other day.. I'm trying. We'll get through this. uhh I know because I love you!" stiles cringed.

"what did I miss?" lilah chuckled. scott grinned widely.

"I love you more than- oh, my god! I can't.. you and allison just have to find a better way to communicate." stiles huffed.

"aww I thought it was sweet." lilah teased making stiles looked at her, raising his eyebrow.

"come on.. You're the only one that we can trust, is she coming to the game tonight?" scott asks.

"yes, okay! message complete. all right, now tell me about your boss!" Stiles continued. "okay im going to go.." lilah said, not wanting to interfere and begun walking away but was stopped by stiles grabbing her wrist.

"don't leave me alone with him I'll go crazy!" he pleaded staring at her. she sighed before taking the spot next to stiles on the step, ignoring the warm feeling she got when stiles smiled in response.

"he thinks that allison's family keeps some kind of, uh.. records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book!" scott finished.

"oh, like a bestiary?" lilah question and stiles's head shot in her direction.

"yeah.. how did you know that!" he asked her.

"hey I'm not that stupid." she added.

"what are you guys talking about, what's a bestiary..?" he hesitated.

"a bestiary!" stiles said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

scott chuckled at his words. "I think you mean bestiality!" Scott says confidently causing the girl to laugh.

"nope, pretty sure I don't.. it's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures!" stiles says.

"how am I the only one that doesn't seem to know anything about this stuff?" scott sighs.

"it's okay.. you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night, it's kinda like a priority of mine." stiles continues.

"okay, if we can find it and it can tell us what this thing is-" he said but got cut off my stiles.

"and who!" he adds.

"we need that book!" The two say together. they all look at each other before they all go up the stairs.

"okay so scott and allison can't be seen together so i'm their little walkie talkie and you are gonna help me, pretty please!" he said pointing at lilah.

"you know, pointing is rude stilinski!" she glared jokingly.

"Stilinski?" he smirked.

"what, it's your name isn't it?" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"come on then let's go be walkie talkies!" she smiled causing stiles to grin widely. "but no dragging!" she told him before they walked to Allison.

i feel like i keep going from present to past tense and if so i'm very sorry, it's confusing changing from first to third 😭

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