Chapter 11

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I was sat there watching Lydia write on the board and then she just starts crying and looks really freaked out. She wrote on the board but it didn't look like it made sense.

"Lydia, You okay?" I cautioned. She nods frantically before running to her seat.

"Yeah, she seems very normal to me." I sigh.

"What is that? Greek?" Scott asks.

"No actually, I think it is english." Stiles answers.

"It looks like it's backwards." I admit.

"Lilah's right, take a look." Stiles says before showing us his phone. He flipped the photo around so the words turn into 'someone help me'. freaky.

"Derek is not gonna kill her without proof." Scott says walking into the classroom. "Alright, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where." Stiles asks. "Pretty sure, now." I say pointing to Isaac and Erica.

Suddenly stiles and Scott started running towards Lydia, Stiles waving his arms around for dramatic affects.

"Okay, well imma just sit over here.." I say looking at them all weirdly.

"Einstein once said, two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe. I myself have encountered infinite stupidity" Mr Harris said patting stiles's shoulder. "So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are Indeed better than one. Or, in Mr Stilinski's case, less than one.. Erica you take the first station. You'll start with" Mr Harris says and everyone raises their hand except from me, stiles, Scott, Isaac and Lydia. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr McCall. Alright, next two..." he continued.

I ended up with stiles, Lydia was with Allison and Erica was with Scott.

"I hate him." Stiles says shaking his leg angrily.

"Who?" I ask.

"Your stupid brother." He admits making me laugh.

"He wasn't always an idiot, hopefully it's just a faze." I say turning to look at Isaac who seems to be already looking at me, I gave him a small smile which he returned. My Isaac's still in there.

I turn to look at Erica who had her hand on Scott's thigh. "Her though.." I say pointing at Erica. "Her I'm not so sure." I admit.

"What makes you say that?" He asks.

"The day of the climbing wall, I spoke to her. She seemed nice and we even shared a smile. Now, she doesn't seem nice at all." I admit. She must have heard me because her smile faded.

"Switch." Mr Harris says dinging his bell.

Coincidentally Isaac was partnered with stiles, Scott with Lydia and Allison with me.

I'm not sure what Isaac said to stiles but I'm pretty sure I saw his face go pale, so that's fun. "And switch." Mr Harris said ringing his bell again. Isaac sits next to Lydia and stiles jumps up but gets stopped when Mr Harris hits him on the hand. "If you're trying to test my patience, Mr Stilinski, I guarantee it'll be a failing grade." Harris said walking away.

I was partnered with this guy I didn't really know, in front of stiles and Scott. "Hey" He says nodding his head. "Hi." I reply. "Im really starting to hate that bell. It's giving me a headache." He says starting conversation. "Oh maybe you should go to the nurse, you know, go get it checked out." Stiles interrupts leaning forward giving the poor guy a death stare. I push his head back with my hand and scrunch my face up in confusion. "You're so weird." I admit earning a 'whatever' from him.

"Time." Harris says. "If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal."

"Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it." Mr Harris says.

"Ye I'm not eating that. I'm not one for trying new things. Here." I say holding the crystal out for the guy. Which he takes. But eats it out of my hands.

"Okay.." I say before rubbing my hand on my thigh. I turn to Scott and stiles and there crystal looked terrible. Stiles was staring at me in shock and I'm pretty sure his eye twitched.

"What?" I ask genuinely confused. He didn't reply he only just turned back to his crystal.

We all turn towards Lydia who was sat with Isaac who was holding the crystal. She goes to eat it until Scott stands up and shouts "Lydia" like a bloody lunatic making me jump. "Holy mother of Jesus." I mumble holding my chest. Everyone turns to face Scott. "What?" Lydia asks confused. Scott looks around before sitting back down. "Nothing." Was all he said.

Lydia exhaled before bringing the crystal to her mouth. All we did is watch her nervously. She took the crystal and bit it. We waited but nothing happened.. does that mean she is the kanima?


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