chapter 1

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season 2, episode 1-2.

             abuse. mental or physical, both something no one should have to experience. if you're lucky, you won't have to experience it, but if you're unlucky..

sadly, lilah and her brother happen to be unlucky.

"Isaac!" their father yelled.

the grown man chased the younger boy out of the house and isaac picked up his bike, riding away. he did that a lot.

"dad.. don't worry, he will be back" lilah spoke, forcing her voice not to quiver.

he just grabbed his keys and left, paying no mind to the brunettes wide, nervous eyes that followed his every move.

it had been 2 hours and nobody had been back yet.

her dad eventually came in and just went straight to the living room. lilah decided to not bother her father, going in her room and throwing her self on her bed, her brother heavy on her mind.


it was the morning and lilah was woken up by her father, he informed her that they needed to go to see isaac because something had happened, not seeming very worried about his son.

as soon as they arrived at the cemetery her father noticed a few police cars parked and the girl watched him tense up slightly. they practically jump out the car.

"isaac!" lilah said worriedly, walking towards him. she glanced to his side where sheriff stilinski stood, his eyes switching from isaac to lilah for a moment.

"Don't worry lilah, i'm fine." he reassured although she wasn't convinced.

mr lahey and isaac started answering a few of stilinskis questions but the girl stayed quiet and just listened. she froze a few times at some questions, panicking as she noticed her dad glancing at her each time.

she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as the sheriff eventually walked away. her father looked between both his children, not saying a word as he walked back to his car.

the siblings looked at each other sympathetically before silently agreeing they should start walking to school. lilah noticed isaac look behind him a few times but she decided to ignore it and grab her brothers hand, dragging him along so he picked up his pace. the cemetery was giving her the creeps.

"so.. are you going to tell me what happened?" she asked him, not missing his nervous face.

"i don't know what your talking about." He stuttered a little, earning a glare from his sister. he began mumbling about how his sister is crazy and she doesn't believe he isn't hiding anything, which he was and he walked away, opening the doors to the school.

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