Chapter 8

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             I'm currently looking through the principals office looking for a dumb book. I couldn't find it anywhere. I get my phone out and text stiles, since I didn't have anyone else's number other than Lydia's.

'Nothing here' I type. Not long after stiles comes running into the office.

"Still nothing?" He asks trying to catch his breath.

"Don't you think I would've told you if I found something?" I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

Stiles goes to walk out but practically walks into Erica. Oh great.

"Hello stiles." She says smiling widely.

"Are you actually kidding me right now? Am I a ghost. No one ever says hi to me!" I groan.

Erica practically dragged us into to the swimming pool by our ears until we stop. I look up to see Derek with a basketball.

"Oh great, the hot guys a psychopath. I knew you were too good to be true." I mutter.

"Stiles.. Lilah." Derek says.

"Derek." He replies.

"Aww, thank you. Finally someone acknowledged me. Even if it's because you're threatening me." I taunted.

"What did you see at the mechanics garage?" He asks.

"Ye stiles, what did you see?" I say.

"Uh.. several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting." Stiles shrugged.

They both laughed before Derek crushes the basketball with his claws.

"Holy god." Stiles mutters.

"That was unnecessary." I comment.

"Let's try that again." Derek spoke.

"Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking, Um,' skin was dark. Kind of patterned, uh. I think I actually saw scales.. is that enough?" Stiles sighed. "Okay? Cause I have someone I really need to talk to." He said causing me to roll my eyes at the mention of Lydia. I shouldn't feel like this saying Lydia was my close friends but I did and I don't know why.

Stiles grunted before continuing his description after no reply. "Um alright. Fine, eyes.. eyes are, um.. yellowish and slitted. Um.. it has a lot of teeth." He said. "Don't forget the tale." I said pointing towards them. "Oh, ye and it's got a tail, too.. are we good?" He finished. Erica looked up and her face fell.

"What? Wait, have you seen it?" Stiles stuttered. "You guys have this look on your face like you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

We both turned around in confusion after no answer. My eyes widen at the sight of the reptile thing. "Oh crap." I mutter. Stiles steps back but grabs me and brings me with him standing in front of me protectively.

The reptile jumps down, Derek gets his claws out and roars at it along with Erica. Erica charges at it and gets thrown into a wall, great wolf she is. "Run!" Derek says pushing stiles backwards who pushed me backwards. Suddenly the thing cuts the back of Derek's neck causing him to step back.

"Derek, your neck!" I say pointing to Derek. He brings his hand to the back of his neck and touches the cut before he falls towards the ground. Stiles quickly grabs him and puts Derek's arm around his neck

"Lilah, stay close" Stiles insisted. "Ugh fine. But only because I want to!" I shrug.

"This isn't the time for sarcasm, Lilah." Derek blurted. "Oh I'm deeply sorry, Mr fancy pants." I roll my eyes.

"Where is it? Can you see it?" Stiles blurted. "No, just hurry!" Derek demanded. "Lilah, you okay?" Stiles panicked. "Ye im good." I reassured. "Call Scott!" Derek demanded once again. Stiles quickly takes his phone out but ends up dropping it on the floor. "I'll get it." I say. "No it's okay I've got it." He replied. He goes to grab his phone and completely lets go of Derek. "Stiles!" I shout. "Stiles, you son of a-" Derek shouts before falling into the water. "Oh god." I mumble. Before I could say anything stiles dives into the pool accidentally kicking his phone in with him. "Well that was stupid." I shrug.

"Where did it go?" Stiles said frantically looking around. "Where is it? Do you see it?"

"No." Me and Derek say. "What do i do?" I whisper shout. Saying I was freaking out would be and understatement. "Maybe it took off.. Lilah be careful." Stiles spoke.

Suddenly it started hissing causing me to jump. "Oh my god I'm gonna die." I admit. "You're not gonna die!" Derek shouted. "I don't believe you!" I replied still scared for my life.

"Will you get me out of here before i drown?" Derek asked.

"You're worried about drowning?" Stiles panicked. "Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth!" He huffed.

"Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water" Derek shouted.

"Oh and did you guys notice arguing like a married couple isn't getting you out of the water." I whisper shout again. "Okay." Stiles whispered. "I don't see it!" He panted.

Poor Lilah 💀😭 shes stuck with sterek!

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