Chapter 4

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season 2, episode 3

It was the next day. lilah spent the night checking her phone every second, still not hearing from her brother. stiles had messaged her, letting her know it was him and that was his number, she grinned at her phone, just giving him a thumbs up in reply.

Lydia told her that scott, allison, lydia and stiles went on a "double date", lydia added the quotations claiming she would never go on a date with that "stiles kid", lilah just rolled her eyes at her clueless friend, lydia failed to mention the whole screaming on the floor thing to her friend, not wanting to worry the girl.

lilah was now at school, walking down through the hallway as she spotted scott and erica extremely close to each other. she walked off once erica turned to look at her, a smirk on her lips.

she made her way into the cafeteria and decided to sit at stiles and scott's table .

"hey guys" she said sitting down.

"lilah!" stiles beamed. "where have you been?" He added. lilah gave the boy a confused look at his attitude but thought nothing of it.

allison places herself behind scott so they were now back to back.

"I.. I know how it looked.. s..she came up me." scott stuttered to his girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, lilah wasn't really sure.

"i'm not jealous.." allison replies.

scott grinned before speaking. "you aren't?"

"she's with derek now isn't she.. like isaac?" she asked changing the subject.

"wait what! isaacs with who? have you heard from him?" lilah questioned but got ignored.

she turned to stiles who was already looking at her, fidgeting with his hands. "so.. have fun on your date?" she asked him. his smile disappearing quickly.

"I mean.. I wouldn't really call it a date.. you know it was just a hang out.. it was a date for allison and scott though! you know cos they like each other.. but I don't like lydia.. I don't, no liking going on." He rambled.

"okay then.." I grinned, turning to face scott.

"so.. are you going to explain everything? because I'm really confused." she spoke. he just stared at her with wide eyes clearing only just realizing she'd been there the whole time.

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