chapter 2

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season 2, episode 2

"what why?" lilah asked a deputy. she was just told that they were going to keep her brother in 24 hour custody because he was a suspect in their fathers murder. she didn't get any answers from anyone about isaac but they all told her to go back to school.

she eventually gave in and made her way back to school trying not to think about her brother who just got arrested. she knew isaac didn't kill her father, she wasn't even aware of her fathers death until sheriff stilinski sat her down and told her, he was shocked at her lack of sympathy.

lilah didn't care at all that her father had passed away, the father she once loved was long gone and he deserve what he got, but isaac didn't deserve to sleep in a jail cell all night. she wasn't sure who would kill her dad, although it wouldn't surprise her if he had a few enemies.

she was sat in front of scott and stiles who kept talking whispering to each other, not noticing the brunette behind them.

"why would Derek choose Isaac?" she overheard scott say. that caught her attention as she looked up from her book she was doodling on.

"does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asked.

"well, not unless they have solid evidence.. or a witness. wait" stiles began. the young girl just shook her head ignoring the boys as they rambled.

stiles turned in his seat, looking at danny and began asking him questions. he froze in his spot as he spotted lilah, not realizing she was back at school. he watched as she aggressively scribbled out whatever she was doodling, clearly stressed.

"wait, lilah. when did you get here?" he asked.

"i've been here the whole class.." she shrugs, uninterested.

she only lifts her head up when she hears giggling, looking up to see a piece of paper bounce off mr harris's head.

her eyes widen, trying to hide her amusement as her teacher shoots around, his usual glare on his face.

"who in the hell did that!" Mr Harris asked.

I watched scott point at Stiles, who was for some reason pointing at the girl, turning to look at her with a shrug and a faint smirk. "You three principles office now." harris huffed.


she fumed in her seat as stiles nervously shifted besides her, she had no idea why he dragged her into his mess all she knew was that she was very unimpressed.

"seriously stiles!" she say with a glare.

"sorry lilah." stiles sighed, his eye squinted a bit as he turned to look at her and she just glared back.

the door to the principals office swung open, revealing the sheriff for the second time today. stiles shoved a magazine in his face, throwing himself down in his chair, he received odd stares as he cleared his throat.

"hi scott.." stilinski said before looking at his son. he nodded to lilah as he walked off, giving her a sympathetic look, she really hates them recently. stiles to dropped the magazine, looking around strangely.

"boys" an old man, who happens to be allison's grandfather, said coming out of his office.

"and lilah" she added sheepishly.

"come on in" he said looking at the trio.

"scott mccall." mr argent said. "academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete."

he turned to stiles. "mr stilinski, ooh perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars.. maybe you should try lacrosse." he said.

"actually hes already-" lilah began to say before getting interrupted.

stiles looked at her shocked not knowing she ever noticed him on the field.

"miss lahey, academically smart, a few extracurriculars, very impressive student." he nodded his head as he read the files.

"hold on." mr argent said suddenly, sticking his finger up.

"mccall" he spoke again causing Scott to look up.

"youre the scott that was dating my granddaughter." Argent commented, scott glanced at lilah and stiles who just shrugged simultaneously.

"we were dating but not anymore, not dating, not seeing each other or doing anything with each other.. at all." scott said panicked.

"relax scott, you look like your about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth." argent said.

"just a hard breakup."  he replied.

"Oh, that is too bad you seem like a pretty nice kid to me.. now listen guys.. yes, I am the principal but i really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." he continued.

"ha, is that so." stiles muttered.

"however, this being my first day I do however need to support my teachers, so unfortunately i can only let one of you get away with it and the other two stay behind for detention." mr argent finished.

scott turned to lilah and stiles as he raised one eyebrow. lilah groaned before raising her hand slightly.

"well not like anyone cares but i strongly believe i should be let off saying i didn't do anything in the first place" she insisted but that didn't seem to matter since her and stiles ended up with detention.

"unbelievable" she huffed.

Detention with stiles 👀

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