Chapter 16

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              "What, Allison? You need to calm down." I say through the phone.

"I'm freaking out! Matt has pictures of us, and when I say pictures I mean pictures he shouldn't even be able to get. There's one of you in your bedroom." Allison freaked on the other line.

"Wait what? Are you sure?" I panic.

"Of course I'm sure! He came back and he asked me if I'd seen them, i panicked. I knew he was weird." She sighs.

"Does Scott know? About your pictures. He would totally freak out." I groan.

"No, I haven't told him yet. I thought I should tell you first. Stiles is going to freak." She yells through the phone.

"What do you mean, stiles will freak?" I say, confused.

"Oh, Umm, I mean.. Scott and stiles of course. They're both going to freak." She rambles.

"Oh, okay. Well,  just stay far away from him." I sigh. "Allison I've got to go, I'm on my way to your house right now with Lydia. Don't even ask." I laugh, we say our goodbyes and I turn to Lydia who's driving. She's taking us to Allison's to show her the dresses we got for Lydia's party.

We finally arrive and head straight to Allison's room.

"Clear your schedule. This could take a while." Lydia says lifting the bags up.

Allison turns to face us with a huge grin. She shakes her head in amusement before standing up.

"How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?" Allison chuckled.

"It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, mmm, after hours casual. And besides, this dress is for Lilah." Lydia says, pointing at me as she said the last sentence.

"I noticed that you didn't send out any invites." Allison hesitantly spoke. My eyes widen knowing where this is going.

"It's the biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows." Lydia says placing her dress on the bed.

"I was wondering if maybe.. this year things, you know, might be different." Allison trailed on.

My eyes widen once again and I start shaking my head rapidly. Allison gave me a weird look but Lydia didn't seem to notice.

"Why would anything be different?" Lydia questions still having her full attention on the dresses.

"Just cause things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson." Allison continued.

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