Chapter 9

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              Stiles started swimming towards me. "Wait, wait stop!" Derek demanded. "What!" I panicked. The lizard thing started circling the pool coming towards me.

"Oh, my god!" I repeated. "Jump in the water!" Derek yelled. "Ha funny. Nice joke Derek." I fake chuckle. "Just do it!" He yelled again. "Ugh okay. Wait- I have my phone in my pocket." I shouted in realization. "Crap I only have one percent." I sigh trying to calm down. "Lilah, it's fine don't worry we will figure something out." Stiles reassured. "Jump, Lilah!" Derek shouted again once the lizard got closer. "Fine but I'm not getting my phone wet." I sigh jumping in the pool after putting my phone down.

I come up from under the water and gasp for air. "Oh well that was fun." I say sarcastically. And I'm pretty sure I almost made Derek smile. The lizard hissed again so I span around in the direction.

"What's it waiting for?" Stiles questioned. "No idea." I reply.

The lizard kept circling the pool, he leant down to touch the water but instantly pulled away at the contact with the water.

"What did you see that?" Stiles questioned. "Ye I did." I sigh. "I don't think he can swim." He continued. "Ha. A little like Derek." I chuckle.

The lizard kept circling the pool as stiles tried to keep Derek up.

"You sure you don't want help?" I ask.

"No." Derek replied quickly. "Save your energy." He continued.

"Ye easy for you to say." Stiles huffed. "Okay I don't think I can do this much longer." Stiles admitted. His gaze suddenly went towards my phone and i scrunched my eyebrows.

"No, no, no! Don't even think about it!" Derek demanded.

"Could you just trust me this once?" Stiles asks earning a no from Derek.

"I'll go." I say but they both said no. "Okay why do I feel like none of you think I'm capable? Is it because I'm a girl? If so that's very rude." I admit.

"I need to get that phone!" Stiles yelled. "Can't Lilah just hold you up?"

"On my own? Ye I know I just said that whole thing about you not thinking I'm capable but no offense Derek, the guys no doubt heavy. There's no way I can do it, I'll just sink with him!" I warned.

"Ye stiles, listen to your girlfriend." Derek said.

"Girlfriend? Ye, no I'm not Lydia." I admit. Stiles just coughed awkwardly.

"Ugh screw it." Stiles said before letting go of Derek and swam to the phone. "Derek!" I shouted. I swam down to grab Derek but I wasn't strong enough. Stiles helped and grabbed Derek and we all came back up above the water gasping for air.

"Tell me you got him." Derek sighed.

"I couldn't, he was too close and I didn't have enough time." Stiles admitted.

Turns out he did get the phone but couldn't do anything before accidentally dropping it. My phone. In the water. He owes me a new one.

"I am actually so angry right now. That better work!" I yelled referring to my phone underwater.

"I'm sorry okay. The plan sucked let's move on." He sighed but I just rolled my eyes.

We were still struggling and I was now helping drag Derek to grab ahold of something. Stiles being the idiot he is slipped causing us all to go underwater. Suddenly something grabbed us and pulled us out. We all gasped for air and looked around.

"Oh my god did I die?" I say looking around noticing I was still with stiles and Derek. "Oh my god I'm in hell!" I panic.

Scott roared loudly taking me out of my thoughts. He began to fight the lizard, it threw Scott into a mirror on the wall so Scott grabbed a piece to defend himself. Suddenly the lizard just ran away.

"That was too easy!" I sigh. All of us still gasping for air.

We had gotten the bestiary. Turns out it was on a hard drive what was on his keys.

We were looking at the laptop screen. "Is that even a language?" I ask in confusion.

"Its called a kanima." Derek said walking towards us with Erica.

"Oh how's your head. Can't believe you got turned into a werewolf just for you to get knocked out the whole time we were in danger. Bravo!" I say to Erica grinning.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"You knew the whole time!" Stiles says to Derek in frustration.

"No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection." Derek admitted surprisingly he seemed calm.

"It doesn't know what it is." Scott said. "Or who." Derek finished.

"Well, what else do you know?" Stiles sighed.

"Just stories. Rumors." Derek answered.

"But it's like us?" Scott asks.

"A shape shifter, yes. But it's not right. It's like a.." Derek said trying to find the word he was looking for. "An abomination." Stiles finished. Derek only nodded in reply.

He began to walk away but I stopped him. "Wait, uh Derek." I hesitated. He turned around so i guess it was safe to continue. "Uh, is Isaac okay? Can you get him to text me back or something." I asked. He only nodded in response.

"Derek.." Scott said catching Dereks attention once more. "We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the argents." He suggested. Oh no. "You trust them?" Derek asked sounding very unhappy. "Nobody trusts anyone. That's the problem. While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us. And it's killing people. And we still don't even know anything about it!" Scott shouted.

"I know one thing." Derek said before turning back around. "When I find it, I'm gonna kill it." He finished while walking away.

"Tea, anyone?" I joke trying to lighten the mood.

Dereks not happy. 😬

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