Chapter Twenty Three - Out of My Reach

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"Ah-hah! Oh my gosh, Sasuke, your school has such uh-may-zing taste! Teehee!" 

Standing with Gaara at the foot of the steps leading up to the stage beside the DJ, I force myself not to face the new, high pitched voice. Gaara grabs my wrist, squeezing it reassuringly, and I take a deep breath. I'd seen a brief glimpse of Sasuke enter the room with a tall, slim blonde figure, but apart from that, I'd only ever heard her voice. She looked pretty- but, you know. I don't care.

"You still have fifteen minutes," murmurs the redhead, leaning close to my ear so that I can hear him over the loud blast of the music. I nod, and we stand around for a little while, just examining the crowd and enjoying the fruits of our labour. Nearby, Sai and Hinata are sitting down at a table and having a very animated conversation, softening my heart. Ahh, HinaSai. That's what I'll start calling them.

"Do you want to sit down?" I ask, nudging my head to the nearest vacant table. The music slows down to a smooth, slow beat, playing "I Will Always Love You," by Whitney Houston, and before I can walk away, Gaara's held me back by my wrist. I look over at him in confusion, eyebrows raised. A small smirk plays upon his lips, making me snicker.

"Why don't we dance?"

[Sasuke's P.O.V]

"Look, you. Shut up. We're supposed to be undercover- you're drawing attention!" I snap angrily at the hideous blond at my elbow, shooting him a glare out of the corners of my eyes. His hair and makeup was very convincing, I have to give him that. Apart from that, he was doing everything he wasn't supposed to be doing, and as soon as the music slowed down, Deidara sped up.

"Ooh, Sasuke, let's go dance!"

"Wha-" Before I could argue, the ugly began pulling me to the middle of the dance-floor, which had been cleared by everyone save for a few couples. I freeze as soon as I see one certain pair.

[Name] and Gaara.

Now, it's either by coincidence, or maybe Deidara's being a dick, but he's leading us straight towards them, and I have to dig my heels into the ground to prevent him from dragging me any further.

"No!" I snap, yanking my arm out of Deidara's grasp. He pouts and flings his arms in the air, turning away from me and storming in [Name]'s general direction. He slows down beside her, snorting, "Nice date," before walking completely past her. Neither [Name] nor the redhead seem to notice or care, but are instead swaying to the rhythm of the music, securely wrapped in each other's arms. My heart clenches at the sight of [Name] laying her head on his chest, her tender lips uttering something which only he can hear. The music washing over their heads, it looks as if they don't have a single care in the world for anything around them as they sway side to side, relaxed and at home. For the rest of the song, and all the songs that follow, all I can do is stand and watch [Name] in someone else's arms.

"Oi, Sasuke! It's time to move out- [Name] has to leave soon!" I'm jolted out of my stalkerish gaze by a strong grip on my shoulder, and turn around to see Deidara towering over me in his killer stilettos. Blinking a few times, I give him a "Mhm," before turning my attention back to [Name], who, as if on cue, has broken away from Gaara and holds him at arms length, her arms elegantly draped around his neck, saying something I can't even decipher just by reading her lips.

"Come on, lover boy." Deidara grabs me by my wrist, but I remain standing. Then, [Name] turns around, and it's as if time has frozen. Her [e/c] eyes widen as she sees me, blatantly staring at her like an idiot, and behind her, I can see Gaara shooting me a deathly glare over her shoulder, following [Name] from behind. He takes her by her wrist, but her eyes are still on me. Her eyes are only on me, even as she continues walking forward. It hurts to see her there, so beautiful, so gracious, but I can't touch her. I can't even think about her without being intrusive; that's how far she's banished me from her life. It's just staring, and that's what hurts the most- there's no emotion, no second-thoughts, no longing in her eyes. No, it's just a blank stare, more like a look of superiority, as she walks by.

And then, her gaze breaks away from mine as she heads toward the exit, Gaara still holding onto her. The music slowly begins to pick up speed and volume, and I watch all the way as she vanishes into the crowd, taking the redhead with her.

She's so beautiful.

But she's out of my reach. Forever.

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