Chapter Ten - Wannabe Thug Club

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"Hey! Over here, little bitch! Oi!"

Gaara and I have just made it out of the school grounds when a loud, raucous voice finds its way to my ears, perking attention from both of us. When I look to find its source, I see none other than Hidan sitting in a black car beside the footpath, sticking his head out of his window and yelling profanities at me. I roll my eyes, and Gaara grabs my arm.

"What is he doing here?" he hisses in a dangerous voice, eyeing out Hidan. It's then that Dei's head pops out from behind Hidan's fat and ugly one, and I beam as soon as I see him.

"Dei-Dei!" I call, waving with one hand and shaking Gaara off.

"[Name]-" I silence the redhead with a smile, shaking my head.

"It's fine, Gaara. Honest," I chirp. "See you on Monday?" He doesn't look too pleased, but he doesn't say anything against it. He just shrugs and walks off, leaving me to hurry over to Hidan's car.

"What up, motherfucker?" I ask as I open the door behind Hidan and slide in. Dei instantly turns over in his seat, grinning brightly as his mop of bright blonde hair fans across his face.

"Yoooooo, [Name]! Long time no see, eh?" he grins. I make to reply when Hidan floors it, making all of us jolt forward in our seats at the sudden impact.

"What are we doing today, hmm losers?" I ask, smiling widely as I stare out the flashing scenery.

"You, my dear [Name], are in for a treat!" says Deidara, wagging a finger at me.

"Oh really? What kind?" I ask teasingly, wondering whether their idea of a treat is a cheeseburger Happy Meal from McDonald's.

"We have an Akatsuki gathering today," says Hidan loudly, narrowly avoiding hitting a woman crossing the road. I clutch my door anxiously, pushing myself down into my seat as Deidara whoops and cheers at Hidan's reckless driving.

"Akatsuki? What is that, your wannabe thug club?" I joke. Deidara shakes his head at me, and I can hear Hidan muttering "bloody idiot" under his breath.

"You'll find out when you get there," says Dei, winking at me. "You won't be the only girl there- you should meet Konan. She's pretty old, but you'll get along just fine."

"And what exactly do you do at your Akatsuki gatherings?" I ask suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at the smirking pair.

"Secret club stuff. You'll find out when you get there." I snort, and relax into my seat, crossing my arms as I do so.


"Just a bit of warning, [Name], you might run in to an old friend of yours," says Dei, a twinkle of mischief in his lapis lazuli eyes. I frown, and straighten up.

"Like?" I ask coldly, mind instantly jumping to my ex-best friend. Hidan chuckles.

"It's not Sasuke, and it's not Rika, either," he says, rolling his eyes at Deidara. I relax, just a little.

"It's Itachi,"explains Deidara. "And knowing how close he is to his little brother, he might just rat you out."

"Rat me out? Rat me out on what?" I say, narrowing my eyes at the two. Hidan runs a hand through his hair as Deidara looks at him to explain.

"[Name], you're going to be in a room full of men, with the exception of Konan. Of course you're going to look a bit dodgy," says the silver haired man, rolling his eyes as if I'm expected to know the answer.

"Pfft!" I snort, bursting into laughter. "What do I care what that duck ass thinks? I do what I want. So what if Itachi tells him I'm screwing a roomful of men? Let him! Why does it matter? I don't care what he thinks. Tch."

Hidan and Deidara exchange smirks, and sink back into my seat, satisfied with my rant.

"We'll be there soon, and you'll have the time of your life."

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