Chapter Three - Remember and Resent

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"You go ahead, Gaara. I have to stop at the bathroom," I insist as Gaara and I walk out of class. He shrugs at me, hands in his pockets.

"Okay. See you in art, then." He turns away and walks in the opposite direction as me, and I sigh as I watch him vanish around the corner. I pull out my phone and have a look at texts from Deidara and Hidan, neither of whom seemed to understand that I can't text them during classes. Sigh.

From: Dei-Dei ♥

[Name]-chan, what are you doing after school?




[Name], I s2g if u don't answer I'll shove a cactus up ur butt


[NAME] !!!!


I let out a little giggle as I quickly type in a reply, briskly beginning to walk through the emptying hallways to the bathroom.

idk, you tell me :p

I snort as I send my reply, then go to read my conversation thread with Hidan.

From: loser ass ♥

beeeeeeeeeeeeeetch what u doing after school?


u better not be fucking ignoring me u lil shit


" Loser," I mumble to myself, absentmindedly staring down at my phone. I accidentally bump into someone, and look up in surprise as I nearly drop my precious baby- uh, phone.

"Sorry!" I exclaim, fumbling with it in my hands. It's only when I look up that I let out a loud groan.

"What do you want now?!" I snap hotly, glaring up at Sasuke, who raises an eyebrow at me.

"If I remember correctly, you walked into me," he points out, making me scowl even more.

"Whatever. Move, asshole." I try to walk past him, but he holds out an arm, reaching across my shoulders and pulling me to him.

"[Name], look at me,"  he says softly. I wrinkle my nose in disgust at his touch, and shove him away. By now, the hallways are completely empty, and I look back out the window over my shoulder to see half of the student body lazing around on the field.

"Sorry, but I'm kinda meeting up with someone," I say coolly, avoiding his gaze at all costs.


I ignore him, waiting for him to get the message: I never want anything to do with you again.

"[Name]," he says in a softer tone. "Before summer vacation... I thought we were getting somewhere. Why are you being so cold again?"

"Because I can. Now move," I bark harshly, raising an eyebrow at the Uchiha. He sighs, and doesn't move an inch. I refuse to let myself ever feel anything in front of this asshole ever again. Nope. I learnt my lesson the first time- you just can't give someone your all and expect them to return it.


"Sasuke, seriously!" I say in anguish, tugging at my hair. "Just- no! Stop following me, stop trying to talk to me- just get out of my life! Just fuck off! Whatever you might've thought during that last half of the semester, just forget it. Just go away."

"Why do you keep pushing me away?"

"WHY DO YOU THINK?!" I exclaim, reaching back and punching him across the face, completely inundated with rage and grief. He stumbles backwards, but doesn't fall. "YOU HAD AN AFFAIR WITH MY BEST FRIEND WHILE WE WERE DATING! AND I CAUGHT YOU TWO SLEEPING TOGETHER! WHY ELSE THE FUCK WOULD I PUSH YOU AWAY, ASSHOLE?!" 

Huffing, I recompose myself as I stand tall to face the still bent over Uchiha, who's covering his cheek with one hand, while looking at me with wide eyes.

"I tried, Sasuke! I tried to forgive you!" I say, tears beginning to burn my eyes. I furiously wipe them away before they can fall, and sniffle as my nose gets watery. "I tried, but I couldn't, okay?! You know me- I don't like hating people, not even for a little amount of time. I really tried to forgive and forget. But no, everything's changed now, Sasuke. I don't do "forgive and forget" any more. No, for me, it's remember and resent, because what you did was beyond selfish. It was stupid, and now, I'll never be able to look at you the same way again. Can you get that through your thick head?? I'm done with you, Sasuke. Done. I'm moving on, and I'm going to find someone who won't sleep with my best friend and treat me like shit. Done."

I step back from him, crossing my arms.

"So don't you ever come near me again," I spit venomously, watching him as he rubs his cheek. "Do you understand? From now on, we're merely strangers. I don't know you, and you don't know me. And that's the way it's going to be. Understood?"

I glare at Sasuke's porcelain features, too angry to care about the fact that his eyes are bloodshot and he has dark circles under his eyes. Serves him right. Now he looks exactly like me for the entire month after I caught him: sleep deprived, tear drained and just downright given up on life. Seeing him suffering makes me happy, and if it means making him suffer for the rest of his life just to keep a smile on my face, I'll gladly do it. I'm not going to put anyone else before me any more: no, all that matters to me now is my own happiness and well being. Everyone else can get fucked for all I care: I'm only going to live for me.

"Good." Without another word, I turn my back on him yet again and begin storming my way to the art classroom, absolutely eager to begin recalling to the other three why I got delayed.

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