Chapter Fourteen - At Last?

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"... we didn't do anything illegal, if that's what you're worried about." For a change of scenery, today Gaara, Sai, Hinata and I have decided to go for a walk outside, passing through the school field as we do so. It's a sunny day, and none of us were really in the mood to spend our lunch break in the dreary old arts classroom, so lo and behold, here we are, exposing ourselves to the environment.

"I-I think it's good that you're being more social, [N-Name]," says Hinata in her usual soft voice, walking beside me. Gaara and Sai walk just behind us, silent as they listen to my recount of experiencing the Akatsuki lifestyle. I might have omitted a few minor details, though. Like the fact that I ran into a policeman while holding a briefcase stuffed full of cocaine. I frown, slurping on my slushy as I think about my travels with Deidara and Hidan. Okay, so maybe I should've taken their stupid Akatsuki thing seriously, but I've only just joined, and backing out now wouldn't be a good look for me, or my easily wounded pride. I've just got to make sure to not involve myself in anything illegal. Sigh. Looks like it's time to suck up to Pain.

"You think?"

"The Akatsuki are a bunch of morons," says Gaara's annoyed voice from behind. I look over my shoulder with a grin, poking out my tongue.

"Just because you couldn't get in," I tease, making Gaara roll his eyes. We hear the faint ringing of the bell from the school buildings, and instinctively, Gaara gravitates to my side while Hinata falls back to walk with Sai. We walk back to the building but split our separate ways, saying our goodbyes.

"I need to go to my locker. Shit." Truth be told, I don't usually use my locker, and probably only check it once a day, since I carry around everything with me in my backpack. Gaara and I take a detour from our route to Calculus to pick up my text book, which is honestly way too heavy for me to even think about carrying around all day. When we get there, I open it up and grab the thick, blue book, before shutting the door and turning back to Gaara.

"Leggo," I hum, turning my back. "Gaara?"

I turn around to see the redhead staring at a piece of paper in his hands, and raise an eyebrow as he looks up.

"What is it?" He holds it out to me.

"It fell out of your locker."

To my dearest maiden [Name],

I have much more in store for you, my love. Would you care to meet me at the front desk of the school library once school is dismissed? I had something smaller planned to just slip into your locker today, but I decided that you deserved better. I sincerely hope you do come, [Name].

"Much more? What else have you gotten from this guy?" I look up at Gaara from the note, still dumbfounded. My hand gravitates to the delicate necklace around my throat.

"Um, this?"

"I'm coming with you. I don't trust him." I roll my eyes and start walking, snorting as I tuck the note into the pocket of my blazer.

"Sure." We get to class, sit through a gruelling hour of Calculus, and once it's over, I'm up and out of that damned class faster than Scratchy running away from Itchy.

"[Name], wait! Gosh!" I've barrelled ahead of Gaara to the front desk of the library, where the librarian, Shizune, looks up at me with a surprised look on her face as I slam my hands down in front of her.

"Hello, Miss Katou! Has anyone come in yet?" I ask rapidly, eager to see who this Romeo is. She looks up at me, slightly confused, but shakes her head.

"No, sorry. You and Gaara here are the first ones here," she says pointedly, raising an eyebrow. Gaara puts a hand on my shoulder, sighing.

"[Name], I bet you this guy's still on his way. You did run out of class like a headless chicken, after all." I groan and hang my head, clutching it with both hands.

"Argh, I'm so stupid. I don't know why anyone would even like me enough to buy me stuff," I mumble, shaking my head.

"Oh! [Name], here, I have a parcel for you!" Gaara and I both look at the librarian, who grins and reaches down behind her desk, pulling out a large, rectangular box. It's wrapped in pure, snow white wrapping paper, adorned with a black ribbon running up the middle of all four sides before meeting at the top in an elegant bow. There's no sign of a card or anything. As soon as she hands it to me, I lay it flat on the desk and stare at it, asking Gaara, "I wonder what it is." He nods at it.

"You won't know until you open it."

I bite my lip, cautious.

"I'll open it at home," I say. Gaara sighs.

"Fine. Let's go."

"No, wait. Um, Miss Katou, do you, by any chance, know who gave this to you?" I ask, hoping that she'll reveal his identity. To my disappointment, she grimaces and shakes her head.

"Sorry, no," she says meekly. "I came back from lunch and found it under my desk with a little note that said "please give to [Name] [Surname] after school." That's all I know, sorry."

I sigh, and pick up the package.

"Thanks anyway."

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