Chapter Eighteen - She Needs A Hero

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[Sasuke's P.O.V]

"Knock, knock, little brother." I scowl and swivel on my office desk chair as I hear Itachi and his annoying ass walk into my room, uninvited.

"Bastard, what do you want?" I spit, watching as he closes the door with a smirk and flops face first onto my bed as if it's his own. He's leaning on his elbows, tapping away on his phone as he lies around looking mischievous. "I still haven't forgotten about that lingerie stint you pulled, you prick." He smirks even more, if that's possible. 

That day I followed [Name] to school and she mentioned "lingerie" to that redheaded Suna kid, I instantly knew who was responsible. It was- ugh, it just annoyed me on the spot so much that I turned right around and stormed all the way to Itachi's place, where I confronted him and ended up having the door slammed in my face. Now, barely two days later, this bastard has the nerve to walk into my room and make himself comfortable on my bed? For the love of god, I want to-

"My, whatever are you talking of, little brother? You must have been so caught up in your erotic thoughts that you accidentally believed them and placed the incriminating objects in [Name]'s little parcel," he says with the corners of his lips turned up in a small smirk. My eyebrow twitches in irritation.

"Whatever." I turn back to my desk, where I have my laptop and schoolbooks out. "I'm doing my homework."

"Browsing for more gifts to send to your beloved?" asks Itachi nonchalantly, irritating me even more as I struggle to continue typing. "You know, I really wonder when she'll see through this facade of yours, Sasuke. [Name] struck me as a clever girl; anyone would've put two and two long ago."

"Why the hell do you always sound like you're talking from a dictionary?" I sneer, directly avoiding his questions. "No, I'm not "browsing for more gifts to send to my beloved," and you're not welcome here. Go away."

"What do you see in her, Sasuke? You slept with her best friend, left your relationship in complete tatters- yet here you are, trying to win her over with anonymous gifts. What is [Name] to you, Sasuke? Is she any more to you than that Rika girl was? Or have you finally caved into all your guilt?" I grit my jaw as my temper begins to rise; he did not just go there.

"It's none of your business, Itachi," I snap, slamming my palms onto the desktop. "Now get the fuck out of my room."

"Woah there, tiger. I just wanted to check, sheesh. Anyways, I wanted to show you something." I hear Itachi roll off my bed and approach me from behind, only to turn around and see his phone's screen thrust in my face. Seeing the photo of a scantily clad woman clutching a gun, I groan and roll my eyes, turning away from him.

"I'm not interested in your porn, Itachi," I sneer, returning my attention to my laptop. "Get out."

He doesn't move.

"What is [Name] to you, Sasuke?" he asks again. I groan and slam my face onto my keyboard, earning me plenty of dings from the laptop.

"Ugh, for the last time, it doesn't concern you!" I exclaim in anguish, looking up to glare at Itachi, my nostrils flaring with rage. I jab a sharp finger towards my door. "Now, out!" Itachi smirks, and holds the phone in front of my face again. I snarl and slap it away, making him roll his eyes.

"Always so impatient, little brother," he sighs, shaking his head. "Please. Just take a closer look at the woman."


"Just do it." I squint at the woman on his screen as I try to examine her face and figure. Yeah, she has a nice ass and boobs, but what am I supposed to be looking for apart from that?

"Eh?" I gasp and wrestle the phone from Itachi's grasp, holding it closer to me so that I can be absolutely sure of what I'm seeing. "Is... is... what?! HOW DID YOU GET THIS?!" After peeling away the makeup and adding clothes, I recognise the figure as [Name], and actually don't know how to feel, or what to do. I'm just- everywhere.

"I was in the area and saw that this woman was similar to [Name]. Out of curiosity, I took a closer look at her and what do you know? [Name]."

"WHY IS SHE DRESSED LIKE THIS?!" Itachi merely shrugs and snatches his phone back from me, beginning to walk away. He leaves me pondering at my desk, trying to piece together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. My mind goes back to Naka's words at the police force meeting about the "peculiar drunk" he'd encountered earlier, and it's as if my mind explodes.

"A falling out with her mum... and it leads to this?! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no..." Pushing away from my desk, I get to my feet and begin to pace around the room, biting my finger in deep thought.

Is she working at that place now? Is she a stripper? But- it doesn't make sense! This is [Name]- she wouldn't- but then-

"UGH!" Her name is running through my mind as I struggle to comprehend these events. What's going on with [Name]?! Biting my lip, I mumble, "I have to make sure she's okay."

I know I've already said that before, but this time, I really mean it.

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