Chapter One - Denial

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"Oh, [Name]-chaaaan!"

I squeal as I'm crushed in a bear hug from an enthusiastic Ino, while Sakura trails behind her with a broad beam on her face. I've just walked into the school building clutching my bag to my side only to be assailed by these two bright little balls of sunshine.

"Morning, Ino," I laugh, hugging the blonde Yamanaka with one arm. Once she steps out of the way, I do the same to Sakura, and the two girls squeal as they stand before me, grinning. We all wear the school uniform required for Konoha Senior High School; a short, navy blue pleated skirt, a matching blue blazer, and a short-sleeved, cream coloured blouse that goes in at the sides.

To make a long story short, our school is filled with its usual cliques, but they're not as bad as all those other stories they're portrayed in. We have people like the introverts, who prefer to stay within their own group of friends; the athletes, who can always be found playing one sport or another during our breaks; the dancers, who are always in the dance studio choreographing some routine for an upcoming stage challenge, and multiple other groups of friends who've come to identify their common interests.

My so called "clique" would be known by the rest of the school as the artistic one. Now, I get along quite well with everyone, including Sakura and Ino, but my best friends would have to be Hinata, Sai and Gaara. Hinata and I found our way to each other in the first year of junior high school; Sai and Gaara we met in the first year of senior high school. More than two years on, and the four of us are still best friends, who still hang out in the art classroom just talking and laughing about life.

"So, anyway, [Name]-chan, how are the plans for the senior ball coming up?"

I laugh as Sakura and Ino pester me about the upcoming dance. Right, that's why they're so peppy today.

"Guys, I've already told you, it's not for another-" I'm cut off mid-sentence by a new voice.

"Hey, Hidenka."

My smile falters, and the two best friends freeze as a new voice comes forward. We all slowly turn to face the source of the new voice, tension already beginning to buzz in the air. Sakura clears her throat and grabs Ino by the arm, smiling apologetically at me.

"We'll ask about it later," she says carefully, eyes flitting quickly between me and the Uchiha. "Bye, [Name]-chan! See you in homeroom!"

I clear my throat and straighten up, holding my bag to my front.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Uchiha," I say icily, glaring at Sasuke. He's standing less than two feet away from me, his hands in his pants pockets. His white shirt is untucked, as usual, and his black tie hangs loosely from his slightly gaping collar. I resist the urge to slap him upside the head and yell out "SLUT!"

"And I told you to start calling me Sasuke," he sighs. Silence envelops us, and as he tries to gain eye contact with me, I avoid his gaze by staring over his shoulder at a patch of wall behind him. Woah, look. There's a crack. Wait- how big is it that I can see it? Or do I just have really good vision? Wait- no, wait let me get a closer look-

"What are you squinting at?"

I half jump as I realise that I've been leaning forward to get a better view of the wall, squinting in the process. I let out a dignified cough and straighten up, patting down my skirt.

"Sorry, but I have a class to get to," I say coldly, turning away from the Uchiha. He sighs yet again.

"Wait, [Name]."

I halt for a brief moment, looking over my shoulder in curiosity.


A pregnant pause.

And then?

"I love you." 

His voice is soft, and full of longing. He sounds so... sad. And Sasuke is never sad, believe me.

For a second there, I almost believe him.

But I don't.

"Go fuck yourself."

That's my reply to him, alongside the finger over my shoulder.

"[Name]. No matter how much to deny it to yourself, or put on this tough girl façade,  I really do love you. I always have."

"Fuck up, Uchiha."

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