Chapter Two - Ice Ice Baby

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"Miss [Surname]! Phone away, please!" calls out my homeroom teacher, Mr Sarutobi. I groan and switch it off, before reaching down into my bag and putting it away. Beside me, Gaara nudges me in the side.

"Who was that?" he asks in a low voice, eyes shifting from side to side to make sure no one else is listening. I shake my head, indicating him to be quiet as Mr Sarutobi's eyes narrow in our direction.

"I'll tell you after!" I whisper hurriedly, shrinking under our teacher's gaze.

After first period, as soon as the teacher walks out to get to his next class, the room bursts into sound as friends begin to catch up and discuss what they'd done in the weekend. Gaara and I turn to each other for our own little chat, thankful for the fact that the seats we're assigned to are right next to each other.

"So who were you texting?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. I smile and reach down to grab my phone, snickering.

"Remember Deidara?" At the mention of the blonde's name, Gaara's eyes widen.

"Oh no, [Name]-chan," he groans, slapping his palm to his forehead. "Don't tell me you've been texting him?"

I let out a light laugh, waving his worries away.

"It's just texting, Gaara," I snort, shaking my head. "Him and Hidan are pretty funny, and they can definitely keep a conversation going."

"You're texting Hidan, too?" Letting out a loud groan of contempt, Gaara slams his face down onto his desk, grumbling about how stupid I am.

"Oh, come on, Gaara, they're not that bad," I laugh, pushing him. He shakes his head and looks up at me, his dark auburn hair falling into his eyes.

"[Name], messing with older men is never a good thing," he says pointedly, rolling his pale teal orbs at me. I laugh again.

"I'm not messing with them," I say reassuringly. "Since when has texting someone ever come to mean 'I want you to suck my dick'?"

"You don't even have a dick," he mumbles, turning his head away from me.

"And yet, it's still bigger than yours."

"You're such a little shit, [Name], you know that?" I laugh at Gaara's remark, and my eyes glide across the class as I do a surface examination of our class. Basically, the only person I hang out with in our class is Gaara; Hinata and Sai are in the other third year class. There are the twins Hana and Umi, the always-making-out-couple Kana and Shigure, the-

Our entire class lets out a collective groan as the classroom door begins to open, signalling the arrival of our English teacher, Ms Yuuhi-soon-to-be-Sarutobi. As people halfheartedly shuffle back to their seats, I turn to Gaara and say, "A bit early, don't you think?"

He sighs and sits up straight in his seat, giving me a side glance. After a brief study of my face, he finally speaks. Well, he begins to anyway. Because as soon as his mouth is open, the class lets out a chorus of sighs.

"We thought you were the teacher!"

"Ehhh, Uchiha, what do you think you're doing here??"

My eyes widen and I freeze, gaze slowly going to meet Gaara's. His reaction is similar to mine, and we're both too stunned to do anything except stare at each other.

"Hey, Hidenka. I need to ask you something."

Sasuke appears at the side of my desk, and beside me, Gaara looks up at him with a skeptical look. My jaw clenches as I look up to face the Uchiha, feeling my insides being to boil in rage. Sure, seeing him once a day was enough, but twice? Oh hell naw. The nerve he has to come walking into my class!

"Yes?" I ask in a tetchy voice, regarding him with a cold look. Everyone else in the class sweatdrops as the temperature in the room considerably drops. Sasuke wraps his arms around himself and shivers.

"Damn, you're so cold," he says, rubbing his forearms. Beside me, Gaara pokes me in the cheek.

"Holy shit, you are," he says in a shocked voice. "What the hell?"

"I came to ask about the ball coming up," continues Sasuke. "Are dates compulsory?"

"No, but I'm sure if you'd asked anyone else the same question, you would've gotten the same answer," I reply icily, crossing my arms. "Is that the only reason why you're here?"

"Hn. No need to be so cold, Hidenka. And, well, I guess it is. Have a nice day."

"I will. Just stay out of my way."

I look in the opposite direction as he walks out of class, and as he does, the temperature in the room begins to rise back to normal again. People around Gaara and I begin talking again, while said redhead stares at me in exasperation.

"Hidenka?" I scrunch up my nose at the use of my old nickname.

"'Your Royal Highness'," I say, rolling my eyes. "Old pet name. I used to have this queen complex, apparently."

Gaara lets out a laugh, slapping the table in realisation.

"That is so true!" he yelps, throwing his head back. I groan and clutch my head in my hands, already tired.

"Can he just stay out of my life?" I mutter in desperation, trying to clear my mind of all my negative thoughts. Gaara slowly begins to stop laughing, and he pats me on the back.

"At least you can look forward to the ball," he says in a not-Gaara-like-peppy voice. "Now that's going to be some fun."

I sigh and lean forward on my elbow, blowing my bangs out of my face.

If all he wanted to do was rub in the fact that he's going to bring a date way hotter than me, then he could've just waited until the actual ball, right? Wait- I don't have a date either!!

I bolt upright in my seat, looking at Gaara with pure horror etched across my face. He looks at me with alarm.

"What?! What is it?!" he exclaims.

"GO WITH ME TO THE SENIOR BALL, PLEASE!" I exclaim, realising that we've been so busy with the planning and decorations that we hadn't even found ourselves dates. He relaxes in his seat, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Seriously?" he says in his low, gravelly voice.


"Who else would I go with, idiot?"

He puts an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him in a one-armed embrace. I sigh with relief. That's one thing off my to-do list.

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