Chapter Nineteen - Public Humiliation

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"I-I hope you don't m-mind?" I cross my arms and smile at Hinata after school the very next day. It's Wednesday, and the plan was that we'd go shopping on Saturday to get our outfits for the ball ready together. The ball that is happening next Saturday.

"Oh, Hinata, it's more than alright with me," I grin widely, unable to believe the news. Hinata was cancelling on me, yes, but she was cancelling on me to go with Sai. "You two go along; I'll make Gaara take me instead. Yeah?" Her face is pink as ever, but she nods shyly and utters a faint, "Thanks."

"Besides, the four of us are going to be spending so much time for the next few days..." 

I sigh wistfully, already beginning to get a headache from the amount of work we'd be facing. For the next three days we had to make sure our plans were absolutely foolproof, and tie all the loose strings together. Starting from Monday, all hell would break loose. 

Next week is going to be all about double and triple checking that all things are going to plan, and that all our decor and stuff is ready and prepped for Friday, which is when we actually start on decorating. All that concerns my friends and I is the venue, decoration, catering, music, who will be the host... Yeah, basically the only thing we don't have to worry about is sales and advertisement. But that's all for next week. This week is about getting together the perfect outfit for a ball to remember.


"I can't believe you roped me into this." Gaara complains as I lead him through rack after rack of dress, beaming happily.

"Well, Hinata ditched me for Sai, so who better to take me?" I grin, pulling a couple of dresses off the rack and holding them against myself. "What do you think, huh? Which one?" He facepalms.

"Why red?!" I pout and say, "Fine, neither then," and put the dresses back where they came from. Gaara groans. After sweeping my gaze over the shop one more time, I grab Gaara's wrist and point out at the shop across from this one, exclaiming, "Look! New imports! Let's go!"

"[Name], do you even have enough money for this?" he whines as I drag him away excitedly. I nod vigorously, my eyes spotting a cute dress on one of the mannequins standing in the display window.

"Gaara, money isn't an issue," I say, waving him away. "I wonder if they have my size, come on-!"


"Hush, Gaara! Aw, it's so cute, look at it!" As I stand holding Gaara's wrist in excitement, a couple of girls across the store from us are whispering to one another and shooting him looks of interest. I smirk and elbow him in the gut, nodding at them.

"I think you have some admirers," I say in a low voice, guffawing. His face goes a faint shade of pink, and he punches me in return.

"They think we're together, dodo," he replies, glaring at my hand still wrapped tightly around his wrist. I let out a small, "ohhh..." and let go, chuckling nervously and scratching the back of my head. He rolls his eyes at me, looking as if he's unable to believe my idiocy.

"I didn't say to let go," he says softly, catching me by surprise. I gawk at him, and instead, receive a dull look in return. "What?"

"That wasn't awkward at all," I muse, turning around and grabbing a random dress off the rack to prevent myself from going hysterical. Did he actually mean what he just said? Am I over-reading things? Am I blushing?! WHAT?!

"You're such an idiot," he chuckles from behind, making me flush even more. "Hey- they look like they're swooning now."

"St-stop it!" I exclaim in a small voice, now thoroughly embarrassed.

"Aww, are you embarrassed?" He takes me by my wrist, making me yelp and jump back as if I've been burnt. I turn around to see him bursting into laughter, instantly releasing my wrist and doubling over in hysteria.

"G-Gaara, you know that's not funny!" I fume, furiously slamming the dress's hanger back onto its respective rack. "You know how I am with relationships!" My words seem to strike a chord in his psyche, because his laughter is instantly quelled and he looks genuinely displeased with himself. He's more affected than I expected him to be, and I quickly begin to backtrack.

"Oh- no, no, I didn't mean- it's just- I..." Gaara shakes his head with a small grimace.

"I don't blame you, [Name]. Sasuke fucked you over pretty badly." The mood drops, and suddenly we're both standing there in gloom. But, I find light in the conversation and say, "It's like... Sasuke cheating on you with Sai." We both burst out laughing, restoring the light aura. If there's anything that'll make the two of us feel better, it's joking about Sasuke, even though what he did was completely heartless and unforgivable.

"Ugh, yes!" says Gaara in a high voice, putting one hand on his hip while making gestures with the other. I giggle as he begins complaining about all Sasuke's flaws and bad traits, loud enough for everyone in the store to hear.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you mean?!" I say loudly, just to make sure everyone knows who we're talking about. Gaara gives me a "mhm, girlfrand," which has us both in fits all over again. People in the store are all looking at us weirdly, and I can hear some talking under their breaths about this "Sasuke Uchiha" jerk.

Vengeance is sweet.

A/N: Hands together for OOC Gaara 😂😂😂

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