Chapter Seven - Three's A Crowd

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[Normal P.O.V]

Just as Gaara and I make it out of the mall, my phone rings. We're walking through the car park to get to the bus stop across the road, where we would be heading home. I pull it out and consider ignoring it, but when I see that it's neither Hinata nor Sai, I answer and put a finger over my lips, signalling Gaara to hush.


"WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T YOU BEEN REPLYING TO MY TEXTS, HUH, YOU LITTLE BITCH?! I'VE BEEN TEXTING YOU OVER AND OVER FUCKING AGAIN BUT IT'S LIKE I'M TALKING TO MYSELF! HUH?!" I wince as the sound of Hidan's angry voice blasts into my ear, and I hold the phone at arm's length, scowling. Gaara, who's heard everything, grimaces and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Who the fuck was that?" he asks warningly, a threatening look on his face. I wave him away, placing the phone back to my ear.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I say in a hushed voice, turning my back on Gaara. "I haven't been able to check my phone! What did you want?"

"Hmph. I was asking if you were available after school, you little shit. Just like I'd been asking you since this morning, remember?" I groan and facepalm, remembering the fervent texts he and Deidara had been bombarding me with. Ugh, it's all Sasuke's fault I forgot to reply, I swear.

"Sorry, sorry," I repeat sheepishly, feeling Gaara's disapproving gaze on the back of my head. I don't blame him, either- Hidan's nearly in his mid-twenties, and Deidara's a high school drop-out, only one year older than me. No wonder Gaara's so cautious. "If it's really important, can we re-schedule? Tomorrow, maybe? It's Friday tomorrow, anyway, so I'll be able to hang about longer."

Hidan groans.

"You better be fucking sure, [Surname]," he says in a vicious voice. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What, do you and Dei want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Of course not. We want to have a fucking threesome, that's why." I burst into laughter, and beside me, I can see Gaara looking like he wants to murder someone. Someone named Hidan.

"Can you not talk so loudly?!" I hiss into the phone. "Fine, threesome it is! Where are we meeting?"

"Me and the little bitch'll pick you up after school. You finish at two thirty?"


"Until then. Fuck you for making me text so much. You better fucking reply tomorrow."

"I will, fucking hell! Just fuck off already, you fucking egotistical maniac!"

"Fucking bitch."

"Fucking asshole." 

We both hang up, and I go through my phone to see 8756587648 unread messages from both Hidan and Deidara alike. I swear, they're so desperate. Or they just really like me. Who knows.

"Please don't tell me you're meeting up with those two losers," begs Gaara as we begin walking again. I flip my hair over my shoulder with a "pssh."

"Pssh, no, why?"

"[Name], they're no good. Remember when you first, you know... found Sasuke?" I groan and roll my eyes, remembering the following months. Apparently, I got stoned at some girl from school's place, and wandered away. Lo and behold, the first person to find me was Deidara, who was on his way to the party. I don't know what happened after that, but we became friends. Gaara still thinks we slept together. I know we didn't. No matter how stoned or drunk I'll get [which is hopefully, never again], I know I won't let anything like that happen while I'm out of it.

"Relax, Gaara," I snort, crossing my arms. "We'll only be having a threesome, don't worry."

His face goes a bright shade of red, and he instantly smacks me upside the head.


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