Chapter Thirteen - It's A Girl?!

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[Sasuke's P.O.V]

The home phone rings, and I groan from the couch in the living room where I'm perfectly content sitting with my Playstation, just playing through God of War, and eating a bunch of snacks.

"Itachi! The phone!" I yell out, chewing on my tongue as I refocus on the screen. Right. I have to kill-


"FUCK!" Throwing my controller down, I get to my feet and stomp to the kitchen, not giving a single fuck about the fact that Kratos is now being assaulted by some stupid ass enemy warriors. "Hello?"

"Ouch, someone sounds grumpy," comes a snarky voice from the end of the line. I instantly recognise it as one of Itachi's friends, and groan even more.

"If you want Itachi, he's in the shower. Leave a message or call him on his own phone," I snap back aggressively, hearing the person on the other side of the line talking to someone else. It's muffled, but I can definitely tell it's a girl. How on Earth do Itachi's friends hook up with girls? They're so... ugh. I don't see what any girl would see in any of them.

"... grumpy because he's reminded you're not with him anymore," chuckles the voice. I raise an eyebrow and hear a high pitched voice, then the sound of something being thrown at the speaker's face, temporarily muffling his speech.

"Ita told us he broke his phone and won't be getting a new one until next week. Would this be, by any chance, his widdle brother Sasuke?" coos the voice. A vein pops on my forehead, and I begin yelling into the receiver.


"What an angst asshole, ahahaha!" My eyes widen and I strain my ears to pick up the smooth, feminine tone I'd just heard. It sounded like... [Name]? No way, I must be hearing things.

"Uh, sorry. Did you want to leave a message for Itachi?" I ask in a somewhat polite tone, hoping to gauge more information about the female in the background. A chorus of snickers, and then an abrupt "No, we're fine. Just tell him our next meeting's next Saturday. And we'll be having a special guest over, too."

"I didn't know losers like you even had special guests over," I snort, hearing a scowl in reply.

"As a matter of fact, Sasuke, I think you'd be terribly enthralled with our special guest. She is a beauty, after all. And she's permanently joining our ranks, for your information."

"What?" What girl in their right mind would join the Akatsuki?!

"Goodbye, Sasuke! Don't forget to tell Itachi!" The bastard hangs up on me, and I put the phone back down, rolling my eyes. I hear Itachi's footsteps coming from the stairs, and yell out "You have some lame Akatsuki meeting next Saturday, and you've got a new member!" I march back to the couch I'd been lounging on and grab my controller, lying back down and kicking my feet up. It's then that Itachi emerges, drying his long hair with a towel.

"New member, you say?" he chirps, walking past me and heading to the kitchen. "Did they say who?"

"Some crazy girl. Who in the right mind would wilfully join your stupid gang?" I sense Itachi roll his eyes and open the fridge.

"We're not a gang, Sasuke. We're a non-profit organisation," he says boredly, pulling something from the shelves. I snort, and settle back into my game, brow furrowed with concentration.

"Say, Sasuke. Did you end up buying that lingerie set for [Name], after all?"

"No, I did not," I say between gritted teeth. "I bought her something better, and I'm slipping it into her locker at school on Monday."

"Why not just go to her house and drop it into her room? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a visit from you, especially if she's in bed." I throw a cushion in his direction without even looking.

"No. Fuck off."

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