Happily Ever After #2 - Gaara

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"You sure you want to do this?"

I shrug nonchalantly as Gaara and I stand in front of Konoha Hospital the next day.

"Yeah, why not," I say. "We're already here, we might as well go in and say hi to duck butt, right? It's the least I could do after he got shot for me."

"It was only a shoulder injury, he should be good to go sometime today," says the redhead as we begin walking into the hospital, me leading the way to the gift shop.

"Should I get him flowers?"

Gaara snorts at my question.

"Flowers? For Sasuke? Funny," he says with a snicker, making me reconsider my question.

"Hmm. Good point. The onigiri should be enough, right?" I ask, holding up the container of riceballs I had in my hand.

"I don't know why you put so much effort into getting a gift for him," sighs Gaara as we completely bypass the gift shop and decide to just go up to Sasuke's room. Itachi had given us the room number and ward, making our life a whole lot easier.

"It's the least I could do after he got shot," I repeat for the hundredth time in the last two days. Gaara frowns at me as we approach the elevator, pressing the up button.

"Are you okay? All you've been thinking of is Sasuke," he points out, looking up to see the status of our elevator. It was three floors away.

"Of course he's all I'm thinking about, Gaara, he got shot because of me," I sigh, hanging my head. "What else is there to think about?"

"You're not having any... second thoughts about him, are you?" The elevator dings as the doors open, prompting the two of us to step in. Gaara presses the number five, and the doors begin to close.

"What do you mean, second thoughts?"

"As in... second thoughts about going out with him again," says Gaara placidly, making me groan and roll my eyes. He shoots me a look out of the corner of his eyes, and I let out a loud sigh.

"No. He deserved to get shot for being an asshole. But don't tell him I said that. He probably saved my life, but now I feel like we're even. There's nothing left between us to salvage," I say monotonously, leaning against the elevator rail. We get to the fifth floor and the door opens.

"Typical [Name]," snorts the male, leading the way out of the elevator. "Still hating on Sasuke."

"Don't make me sound like the bad guy! I know you still hate his guts!" I exclaim indignantly, looking around the corridor for an indication of where to go. Gaara chuckles, shaking his head.

"I know, I know. It's just a guy thing," he says, making me roll my eyes. "If you keep doing that, your eyes are going to fall out."


"Rolling your eyes."

"... right." We make our way to the doors leading to Ward 8, with Gaara pressing the button to let us in. We walk past an administration desk and walk straight ahead, going for room 203.

"So no more Sasuke?" We come to a halt before the Uchiha's room, where the door is shut, and his name is on the nameplate next to the door.

"No more Sasuke." I reach out to open the door when the redhead lashes out and grabs my wrist, stopping me from opening the door. I look up at him in confusion, eyebrow raised.

"What is it?"

"I just want to make sure. Before you go in there, and see him again."

"...?" Gaara hangs his head with a huff, letting out a loud breath.

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