Chapter Four - Let The Operation Begin

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"Alright. Who do I need to murder now?" is the first thing I hear as I storm into my art classroom, slamming the door behind me. Our teacher, Miss Mitarashi, looks up with a small smirk on her face at my entry.

"You know who," I snap at Gaara, who'd volunteered to murder on my behalf. Miss gets to her feet behind her desk, shuffling a stack of papers in her hands.

"Let me guess, it's the Uchiha kid?" she chortles, pushing her chair back under her paint splattered desk. I groan in frustration, pulling at my hair.

"Yes! Like, seriously!" I groan, stomping over to my friends, who are seated in a collective group of desks in the middle of the room. Huffing, I take my seat next to Gaara as Miss chuckles, beginning her way to the door. 

"Try not to leave any evidence behind, okay?" she says. "I'm going for lunch. See you lot next period."

"Bye, Miss." As she closes the door behind her, Hinata, Sai and Gaara all turn their attention to me as I slam my face onto the desk in annoyance.

"There, there, [Name]," squeaks Hinata timidly as Gaara places his hand on my back with a sigh. Sai squints at me, putting his pencil down.

"What did he say?" he asks in his usual, emotionless voice. I smile weakly into the wood of the desk; even when he tries to be caring, Sai still sounds indifferent.

"Oh, you know. Just asked me why I hated him so much," I shrug sarcastically, sitting up. "Just the usual."

Gaara rolls his eyes, Sai looks like he wants to kill somebody, and Hinata looks slightly irritated.

"Little bitch," mutters the redhead, making me laugh and wipe away a couple of stray tears with the sleeve of my blazer.

"It's fine, I guess," I manage to choke out. "It has been what- nearly a year? Maybe I'm just being immature or he's just starting to feel guilty now."

"[Name], he slept with Rika," says Hinata softly. "I don't think you're being immature."

"I second that."

"Besides," says Gaara, putting his arm around me. "If he comes near you again, just let me know and I'll rip out his guts with my bare teeth." We all laugh, yet the tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine. Knowing Gaara, he probably meant every single word he'd just said.

"So... what are you guys doing?" I ask lightly, trying to change the subject. Sai coughs, and looks at Hinata, who shrugs and points at me.

"Well... just some last minute adjustments to the banner that's gonna be hanging in the wall," he nods, showing me his sketchbook. I nod in approval at the altered design, and sigh wistfully.

"Just think about it. Two more weeks, and the ball's over and done with," I say, leaning forward onto the desk. "Two more weeks, and all this planning and anticipation comes to an end. Can you guys imagine it?"

"Yeah," says Hinata. "B-By the way, [Name]... who are you going with to the b-ball...?"

"Gaara," I say, tilting my head to the redhead. "Right, boy?"

He snorts and slaps the back of my head.

"Don't call me 'boy.' And yes, me," he sighs, crossing his arms. "Poor me."

I ignore his comment and roll my eyes, saying, "Who are you going with, Hinata?"

She blushes and averts her gaze, while Sai clears his throat.

"Me," he says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. Gaara and I exchange smirks- could romance possibly be blossoming between Hinata and Sai? He cranes his neck so that his lips are at my ear, and whispers, "Let's hook them up."

I nod vigorously.

"Let the operation begin," I whisper back. I'm thankful for the distraction, to be honest. Maybe busying myself with playing matchmaker will help keep my mind off of Sasuke.

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