Chapter Eight - Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?

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"[Name]! [Name]! There's a package here for you, I'm going to work now! Get up, or you'll be late for school! See you after work, honey!"

I'm walking back to my room from the bathroom when I hear my mum call from the front door, yelling about one thing or the other. Grumbling, I get to my room and pull on my uniform, before doing my hair into a loose bun atop of my head and spraying myself with some perfume. Leaving my shoes for last, I go to the front to see what my mum was going on about. 

We live in our own small two bedroom house in Konoha, complete with a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. My parents separated when I was in junior high school, so now my dad lives somewhere in Sapporo with his new girlfriend and my younger brother, Shin. Although we see them every once in a while, like Christmas every now and then, we don't really keep in contact much. My mum keeps in contact with my brother though, so that should count for something. Eh. 

Anyway, when I reach the front door, there's a parcel sitting on the table next to it, where my mum and I put things like our handbags and keys when we get home. The parcel's about as big as your average shoe box, and looks pretty legitimate. It's plain white, with my address and details printed neatly on the top with black marker pen. Huh.

"I wonder who this is from." I undo the lid of the box, lifting it up to reveal a cute, white, fluffy teddy bear clutching a bouquet of cute little roses. It has a box of chocolates in front of it, and a card on top of the chocolates as well. Lifting everything from the box, I see that there's yet another little box under the teddy bear, one with a blue velvet exterior. Now full blown curious, I gingerly lift the card to my eyes, just in case everything happens to be a set up.

Dearest [Name],

You have no idea of my existence, yet I am utterly, deeply, truly in love with you. Will you please accept these gifts? It would make me the happiest man alive. This is no mistake, [Name], these are all for you. There haven't been any misunderstandings, and you didn't receive someone else's parcel. These are for you. Please accept them.

That's it. That's the explanation I get for all of these presents.

"'You have no idea of my existence', huh?" I say to myself, a smile beginning to spread across my face. Clutching the card to my chest, I stare into space as I try to think of who this secret Romeo could possibly be. Someone I don't know? Well, they did say that I don't know of their existence. 

But then again, it could be someone that I vaguely know of, who doesn't have any idea that I actually know they exist. Or Romeo could be some creepy pervert waiting to make his move- oh my gosh. Romeo could be anyone, but something tells me that it's definitely someone my age, judging by the choice of gifts and handwriting on the card. Wait a second- what if Romeo's not even Romeo?? What if all of these are from Juliet?! If these gifts are from Juliet, does that make me Romeo?!

"Shut up!" I squeal, covering my face with the card. My mind is so confused right now, and I don't really have time to be confused. Quickly putting the card back into the box, I grab the velvet box and open it. It's a simple necklace, with two lovebirds moulded together by a ring at the bottom, facing opposite directions, hanging from a shimmering silver thread. Their eyes are made of a small bright red jewel, and their beaks, a dark onyx stone. Their feathers have been intricately patterned on, and I can't help but admire the craftsmanship put in to making this necklace.

"Woah..." I breathe, picking it up from the box and holding it up to get a better view. "This... woah!"

Right there and then, I decide to put on the necklace and wear it to school. Whether it's from Romeo or Juliet, I want them to know that I accept and appreciate their feelings.

That doesn't necessarily mean I reciprocate them, though.

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