The Agreement

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I would like to thank i_lovebillieeiliesh2 for the entire idea of this chapter, follow her!


When I point out play Heaven by Julia Michaels

Camila's POV

I feel next to me to not feel Lauren's warm body but the cold sheets. I sit up to realize that I'm still in Lauren's playroom. I throw the red sheets off of me and grab my shirt from off the floor. I tug it over my head and open the door. I see the dim lights from the kitchen and that's where I go. "Lauren?" I whisper.

The green-eyed girl looks up and hums in question.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Drowning my sorrows in ice cream," She says.

I walk over to her and try to take the tub away from her but she pulls it out of my reach. "At least it's not alcohol," I finally snatch the tub away from her. I sit on top of the counter and grab a spoonful, slowly licking it off of the spoon.

"Good idea, I need a glass of whiskey," I said.

"Nuh-uh," I wrap my legs around her waist pulling her close to me again.

Lauren holds her breath as she takes in our position. "Can I have my ice cream back?" She asks.

I grab a spoonful and hold it up to her mouth but as she was about to take it into her mouth I lower the spoon and smudge the ice cream on her collarbone. "Oops," I giggle. (Play Heaven)

Lauren's body stiffens at the cold temperature as she lets out a low groan.

"Mhmm I don't see any napkins around, I'll get it for you," I said. I lean down and stick my tongue out, licking the ice cream up.

"Camila..." Lauren breathes out.

I unwrap my legs around her waist and hop off the counter. I pin Lauren against the counter this time as I scoop up another spoonful of ice cream. "Do you always walk around shirtless?" I question.

"Only when everybody is asleep," Lauren says.

I bring the spoon filled with ice cream up to her collarbone and trail it down between her breasts. I unclasp her bra and take it off, revealing her perfect breast. I bring the spoon up to her nipples and smear some ice cream on them then trail it down along her perfect abs.

I smear the remaining ice cream along where her jeans meet her skin and I set the spoon and tub of ice cream aside. I look up into her eyes then I lean down, licking the dripping ice cream on her collarbone, between her breast, and on her abs.

I stand up straight and wrap my tongue around one of her hardened nipples which makes her shiver. After I cleaned up one, I move on to the next one.

Lauren rests a hand behind my head, her breathing starting to quicken. Her chest arches into my mouth making me bite her nipple.

I slowly release it and move down to lick the remaining ice cream that is dripping onto her jeans. I unbutton her jeans so I can clean the ice cream that dripped down to her hip bone. I then lower her jeans and panties as I lap my tongue on her exposed clit.

Lauren's hand grips my hair as she lets out a low moan. She then picks me up in her arms, sitting me on top of the counter. She connects our lips into a heated kiss then trails them down to my neck as she nips at my pulse point. Lauren pulls away from me and tugs my shirt over my head. After setting my shirt on the counter, she connects our lips again as she kisses me wildly this time. "God, you drive me crazy..." Lauren whispers. Lauren grabs the tub of ice cream and I look at her questionably.

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