Fate Of The Enemy

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Lauren's POV

I take the envelope Liam has just handed me as I break open the seal. I take out the letter inside and unfold it.

-Meet me by the docks at midnight, bring Camila with you if you wish to desire it

"Keana," I whisper.

"What do you got there?" Camila leans against my bedroom door frame.

"Keana has summoned me," I hand her the letter.

Camila reads it then looks up at me, "You're not going by yourself, are you? You know how that went last time."

"I won't make the same mistake twice. You will come with me, Jack might be there too," I said.

"Great." Camila rips the letter into as many pieces as she can and drops the debris on the ground. "Now are you going to help me bring me the last of my stuff in here or are you just going to stand there?" She smiles.

I chuckle softly and close the distance between us. I bring my hand up and rest it against her cheek making her lean against the contact. "My family accepted our engagement last night. Now the sun has been up, indicates it's been a brand new day, we're engaged, there's no point in us sleeping apart, of course, I'll help you like I've been doing," I smiled.

Camila tilts her head up slightly and plants a soft kiss on my lips. "Then let's stop wasting time," She whispers.

"Mhmm okay, but first..." I whispered. I pick Camila up in my arms and back her up as I kiss her neck over and over again making her laugh.

"Lauren!" She breathes out.

I lay her down on my bed and start to tickle her. Camila cups the back of my neck as she laughs loudly.

Camila's POV

I check the mag of my pistol as Lauren parks the car and turns it off. "Full..." I said and tuck it behind my back.

"Is that gun really necessary?" Lauren walks around the car so she can stand in front of me.

"Yes, I have to give Jack what he deserves," I said.

"Camila..." Lauren whispers.

"Even if it was you or him that pulled that trigger, I don't give a fuck he still deserves what he deserves," I said.

Lauren cups my face and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll be your human shield," She rests our foreheads together.

"My ass you are," I whispered.

Lauren's hand travels down and cups my ass, pulling my hips closer to hers. "That big Cuban ass of yours," She whispers.

"Lauren, are you fucking for real, right now?" I smiled.

"It's 15 minutes before it hits midnight, we have time," Lauren whispers.

I cup her cheek, my eyes darting down to her lips that are inches away from mine. "You are insane if you think we are going to fuck right now," I whisper.

"You drive me insane," Lauren mumbles against my lips.

I slowly start to kiss her lips making me release the breath I was holding. Lauren backs me up and pins me against the hood of the car. I lay back against it gently as she kisses down my exposed neck. Lauren's hands slip under my shirt and go up, moving aside my bra and squeezing my breast.

I arch my back, letting out a whimper when she pinches my nipples.

Some whistles ring out through night air making me straighten up abruptly.

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