Disapproval Love

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When I point out play Sin City by Chrishan

Lauren's POV

I step out of my private jet as I look around the airport. We're back in Vancouver. Everybody else piles out behind me as they say goodbye to me. Since we are back everybody has a job to do. Alfred opens the backseat door of one of the black Cadillac Escalade.

Liam and Harry enter the other one as they wait for us to be ready.

Camila steps beside me and touches my shoulder. "You okay?" She asks worriedly.

I look down at my hands, clutching them tightly. "I'm..." I trail off.

Camila steps down to now be in front of me as she covers my fists in her hands. "You can tell me anything, baby, I'm here for you," She spoke softly.

"I'm scared," I let out.

"It's okay to be scared. You don't always have to be big and brave," Camila brought one of her hands up to my cheek.

I take a deep breath in and let it out feeling everything slightly relax in me. The only people in this world that scare me are my parents. The only reason is that I want to live up to their standards. They are beside my kids the only people in this world that I want to prove that I will be successful, that I am the person they can trust handing the company over to. I bring my hand up, covering Camila's hand on my cheek with mine. "Where would I be without you?" I whispered. 

"Come on, let's go..." Camila smiles softly.

After dropping the kids off and leaving them with Harry and Liam, Alfred parks in front of my parent's country club. My hands start to shake but Camila grasps my them in hers.

"Why are you shaking again?" She spoke soothingly.

"I'm just nervous," My voice comes out shaky.

"You don't think I impressed them enough?" Camila searches my eyes.

My eyes lock with hers as my shaking stops slightly. "It's not that. It's always unpredictable with my parents, you can impress them no matter how much yet if they don't accept it then they don't accept it," I said.

"Is it because-"

"My dad has a reputation to uphold and my mother wants only mine and my sibling's happiness which is why I don't know what will go down in there," I said.

"So they are divided?" Camila questions.

"Yes," I nod.

"I have helped your father secure investors and I believe I have impressed your mother," She says.

"Yes, well, now you have to show her how much you truly care about me," I said.

Camila cracks a small smile, "That wouldn't be hard." Camila plants a soft kiss on my lips making us both melt into the contact.

"Mhmm, I can tell..." I mumble.

The car door opens and Alfred holds his hand out for Camila to take. "Ms. Camila," Alfred spoke.

With one last kiss, Camila takes Alfred's hand and he helps her out of the car.

I get out of the car after her as Alfred closes the door behind me. I open the door to the country club and let Camila enter first. We walk through the halls until we finally arrive at the same spot where I first introduced Camila to my parents. I see my parents sitting at a table, my dad drinking a glass of whiskey and my mom patiently waiting.

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