Charity Gala

841 33 46


When I point play Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, cover of Crazy in love by Sofia Karlberg, and Haunted by Beyonce the video I will be using is up above

Lauren's POV

"Yeah, my date," I said with a bright smile on my face. Camila just stares at me and my smile fades. "You don't want to go with me?" I question.

"No! I mean yes. It just came as a shock to me that you asked me," Camila said.

"Well Halsey couldn't come and neither could Keana so I asked Zayn and now you," I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

"You couldn't just go with your parents only?" Camila questions.

"Yes and no," I step in.

Camila closes the door behind me and I turn to look at her. "Why?" She asks.

"As much as we would love to. We can't. In events like this, you will look bad if you have empty seats at your table so I asked Zayn to take Halsey's place and you..." I take her hands in mine, "...In Keana's."

"Is your p-"

"My parents are already on board. My mother loves you and my dad is impressed with your knowledge of our business. He believes you can nail us some good investors," I said.

"Ah, so your dad is using me?" She jokes.

"No," I shake my head, chuckling softly.

"I was just kidding. Alright, I'll come as your date," She says.

"Great. I had Alfred pick up an outfit for you," I said. I call Alfred and he comes over with a garment bag. I take it and he leaves us alone once more. I turn to Camila and unzip the garment bag. "M'lady," I said.

Camila laughs and takes the pink dress out. "Lauren this is beautiful," She says.

"Only the best things for you, Camila..." I touch her hip.

Camila looks up into my eyes making my heart melt. "I'll go change right now," She walks into the restroom.

Camila's POV

I smooth my dress down and fix the collar on my throat as I walk out of my room closing the door. I walk out into the living room to see Alfred on the couch with the boys. I gasp behind them, "I can't believe it, you two replaced me."

The twins laugh as they stand up to look at me, "We didn't replace you, Camila."

"I know. Have fun you two," I said.

"Right back at ya, Camila!" They crashed back down on the couch.

I walk over to the elevator to see Lauren waiting there for me.

"If you want you can have your movie night with them," Lauren says.

"As much as I'll love to be crashed on the couch with them I won't take this opportunity up," I said.

"Zayn's waiting for us downstairs c'mon," Lauren says, the doors to the elevator opening.

During the drive to the gala, Zayn is the one behind the steering wheel with me and Lauren in the backseat.

"I believe you know what to expect at the gala," Lauren says.

"I had to do something while I was waiting for you to rescue me and while I was sitting through a living hell," I said.

Lauren smiles brightly at me, "Okay."

I look at Zayn who averts his eyes from the rearview mirror pretending he wasn't looking at our interaction.

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