Two Families Fixed

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When I point out play Not Afraid Anymore by Halsey

Lauren's POV

(Play Not Afraid Anymore). I set my towel down on one of the handles of the treadmill as I set my pace. Usually, I start my day with a small work out then a dip in the pool. Once I'm done on the treadmill I move onto bench pressing to do my reps and sets. Right, when I finished my last set I hear soft singing. I set the weight down and sit up to see Camila leaning on the doorway.

"Sweet song," She smiles.

I grab my towel and wipe the sweat dripping down my forehead. "It's early for you to be awake," I said.

"It is for you too," Camila runs her hand through her messy hair.

"I like waking up before anybody else does. Why are you awake?" I ask.

"Felt cold," Camila responds. The brunette walks over to me and runs her hand down my sweaty arm. "Didn't feel your warmness," She whispers.

"I'm doing a short work out..." I lower my voice so I can whisper in her ear, "Don't distract me." I bite her ear lobe and release it slowly as I continue with my workouts.

"Don't worry I'll be over here getting a killer view," Camila sits down on the white couch in the room.

I roll my eyes, a smile on my face as I stretch out my muscles so I can do burpees. "You're not going to stop talking are you?" I question.

"Nope, I am a social butterfly," Camila smiles.

"If it keeps you from just staring at me as a fucking old creep then keep talking," I chuckle.

"Ew, good thing you don't go to a public gym, don't want anyone staring at what's mine," Camila says.

I stop my stretching as I speak softly, "That should be me saying that to you."

"Oh shucks. Really?" Camila smiles teasingly.

"Camila... You're distracting me," I said.

"How much longer do you have?" Camila asks.

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow in question.

"Because I want to be your work out," Camila smirks.

"I'm taking a dip in the pool, baby," I said.

"Even. Better!" Camila stands up. She walks over to me and tugs at my sweaty shirt. Camila leans closer so she can whisper in my ear. "Take your shirt off..." She bites my ear lobe.

I shiver at the action as I let out a small moan. I step back from her and pull my shirt over my head, letting it drop on the floor.

Camila runs her cold hands over my fit abdomen which makes me hold my breath in. "Let's get wet," She whispers.

"Camila..." I breathe out. I lean forward and connect our lips in a heated kiss. My hands go under her thighs as I lift her making her legs wind around my waist.

Camila lets out a small groan when I pin her against the wall. The brunette sucks on my lower lip then bites down on it harshly.

I take Camila's shirt off than lead her over to the pool. I let my grip on her loosen as Camila falls inside the pool. I dip inside of the pool and resurface as I pull Camila close to me. I pull us under the water as I connect our lips.

Camila wraps her arms around my neck under the water.

My knee presses against her center as we resurface. I grasp a fistful of Camila's wet hair as I pull her head back. My lips find the base of her neck and I start to suck harshly on the soft, vulnerable skin.

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