Between Life And Death

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Lauren's POV

I felt like my life has been sucked out of me as I stare down at the gun splattered with blood and dark red blood oozing out of the wound. I slump down to the ground, my bloodied hand hovering over the place the bullet pierced through me.

"Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!" Keana rushed over to me.

Everything starts to go blurry while anything that had color starts to go gray. My eyes droop close, my breathing stops, feeling myself get lost in pure darkness.

Camila's POV

I pace around the living room as everyone shakes with worry. Lauren where are you? I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans, my mind going to the worst possible cased scenarios.

"Camila where's mi mami?" Cody asks.

"She's-" I get cut off by the living room phone ringing. I quickly grab it and answer the call. "Hello?" I spoke into it.

"Hi, are you Lauren Jauregui's family?" The voice on the other side questions. 

I think about the first thing that comes to mind and I blurt it out, "I'm her wife."

"Oh okay, Mrs. Jauregui, this is the hospital. We will like to inform you that your wife was taken in and is in severe condition. She got shot and as of now, she's unconscious. Since she's not a citizen of Italy we are urgently flying her over to Miami, Florida."

"Thank you so much," I said and hang up.

Everyone starts bombarding me with questions and I quiet them down. "Guys, hold on, guys!" I said.

They all stop talking over each other to let me talk.

"She got shot. They're flying her over to Miami as of now we need to get on the plane," I said.

Everyone starts rushing over to their rooms to pack up their stuff.

I turn to the twins to see them trying to hold their tears back, obviously trying to be strong. "Boys," I kneel in front of them so I can be eye level with them.

"Is-is mami going to make it?" Cody chokes out.

"She's strong, Cody, she's very strong. She'll make it I know it," I stroke his hair.

"Camila is right! Mami is the strongest person I know. She'll survive," Connor says.

"Be strong, boys, that's what you'll mother want," I said.

"Why did you say you were mami's wife?" Connor questions.

"They wouldn't have told me anything if I wasn't family or married to her so I lied and said I was her wife," I said.

"Oh..." Connor trails off.

"Do you and mami have a thing?" Cody asks.

"Oh- uh-" My eyes widen.

"You do, don't you?" A soft smile forms on Cody's lips.

"We... Well I love her and she knows it but we haven't made anything official yet," I said.

"I felt the vibe. I'm eight years old but I'm not dumb. Anyone can sense the vibe when you two are even just looking at each other," Connor says.

"I saw that smile mami had on her lips when she looked at you," Cody says.

"And I saw that speck of adoration in her eyes," Connor says.

"I guess we aren't that subtle huh?" I crack a small smile.

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