Una Reventon Fiesta

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When I point out play Por Una Mujer Bonita by Pepe Aguilar

P. S. Una Reventon Fiesta means (A Blowout Party)

Camila's POV

I step out of Lauren's private jet as the Miami heat warms up my entire body. I hand Alfred my luggage as I step down on the tarmac.

The boys exit the plane next as they hand their luggage to Alfred and jump into the back seats of the car.

Lauren steps out of the plane and walks over to me. "Hi..." She kisses my forehead.

"Hi..." I wrap my arm around her waist.

"Come on let's go we only have a couple of hours until the party starts," Lauren cups my cheek.

At my own house, I smooth my dress down in front of the full-body mirror as I check out how perfectly the fabric hugs my body.

There's a small knock on my bedroom door then to it being open.

"Hey, gorgeous!" Lauren closes the door behind her.

"Hi!" I smile.

Lauren walks over to me so she can stand behind me as moves my hair to one side and leans down pressing a kiss to the side of my neck. "You look splendid," She whispers.

"Just want to look my absolute best for my parents," I said.

"Are you sure just for your parents?" Lauren's eyes lock with mine in the mirror.

"Maybe you as well," I whispered.

"I am considered impressed and..." Lauren lowers her voice in my ear, "Turned on."

I lean my head back and bite her ear lobe then release it. "Good, but don't get distracted on me so much," I said.

"You're asking for something impossible and you know it," Lauren's hand trails down my abdomen and dips under my dress then cups my center through my panties. "Your wearing crotchless panties," Lauren whispers.

"Your welcome," I smile.

"You make it so hard to resist you but you make my job so easy in fingering you under the table," Lauren's index and middle finger poke teasingly at my entrance. The green-eyed girl clears her throat and steps away from me. "Everybody else is waiting for us I just came in here to get you," Lauren says.

"Let's go!" I smiled.

Downstairs, I lock my front door and walk over to Alfred who opens the door for me and Lauren. I take Alfred's hand so he can help me climb inside the car. Lauren enters after me and sits down next to me.

"Are you nervous?" I whisper in her ear.

"A little. Can you tell me something about your folks?" She questions.

"It's the least I could do after you told me about yours," I smiled.

"How do I impress them?" Lauren asks.

"Just show them that you love and care about me," I answer.

"That's it?" She questions.

"For both, yes. But you mainly have to impress my dad, whatever he says goes. So to impress him even more, show that you respect me so don't touch me that much especially inappropriately," I said.

"You know that's hard for me," Lauren whispers.

"Just resist as much as you can," I reach over and squeeze her hand.

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