Mother of The Twins

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When I point out play Birthday by JP Cooper, Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack


Lauren's POV

"What are you doing here Keana?" I asked furiously.

She moves to touch my shoulder but I move away from her. "I came here to recover my children..." She says.

"Are you done partying, getting drunk and high, along with sleeping with anyone you want?" I asked. If I could I would have been puffing out the smoke of the fire building up in me.


"No Kenna. You don't have the right to just waltz in here thinking you still own this place and enter the boys' life as if nothing happened at all," I spoke.

"I don't want to just be in the boys' life, I want to be in yours too," She said.

I grip her crotch hard, squeezing her balls in my palm through her pants. "You're never entering back into my life. You may have the right to be in the boys' life and I wouldn't stop you if it meant their happiness but you're not being in my life again," I seethe releasing my grip.

"You have someone else huh? Is it that maid?" Keana asks.

"First she's not a maid and second... No," I look down at the ground.

"No?! Somehow I don't believe that. There's no way you could have hired someone that pretty and not have slept with them yet," Keana says.

"I haven't slept with her. I have respected Camila and I always will," I spoke.

"You have feelings for her. It's noticeable," Keana says.

"I don't..." I look away from her.

"I don't know who you are trying to convince, you or me."

"Don't put those ideas in my head, Keana. I know how I feel and Camila is only the nanny of my children," I burst. At the sound of my raised voice, Harry and Liam rush in.

"Everything all right ma'am?" Harry asks.

I look over at Keana then down at the ground. "Please escort Ms. Keana to the elevator," I said.

"Yes ma'am," Harry nods.

Liam holds his arm out to Keana, "Ma'am?"

Keana turns to me and scowls, "This isn't the last time you'll see me."

"Is that a threat?" Harry steps in front of me.

"No." Keana loops her arm through Liam's and grabs her purse and coat.

Harry looks at me and nods as I dismiss him away. 

Camila's POV

I walk around my room as I try to get out the image of the boys' mother returning after almost 3 years. A soft knock was heard on my door and I stop my pacing around. (Play Birthday)

The door opens and Lauren comes into view. "I was hoping you were still awake," She said.

"I am..." I spoke uneasily.

Lauren closes the door behind her and looks embarrassingly at the ground. "I came here to apologize..." She spoke.

"For?" I asked.

"The way Keana talked to you."

I shake my head at her, "You don't have to apologize for her."

"Yeah well... Keana is way in over her ego to apologize to a helping hand," She emphasizes.

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