Haunting Memories

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Lauren's POV

Jack and I fight for the gun until a gunshot rings out. Both of our eyes widen as we go completely still. The warm blood pools out as I look down at the gunshot wound and the gun between us coated in blood, scared expressions flashing my features and Jack's features.

I felt like my life has been sucked out of me as I stare down at the gun splattered with blood and dark red blood oozing out of the wound. I slump down to the ground, my bloodied hand hovering over the place the bullet pierced through me.

"Lauren! Lauren! Lauren!" Keana rushed over to me.

Everything starts to go blurry while anything that had color starts to go gray. My eyes droop close, my breathing stops, feeling myself get lost in pure darkness.

My eyes slowly open once again as I see Keana pacing around while talking on the phone. Blood touches my fingers as I now realize I'm surrounded by a small pool of my blood.

Keana comes over after she hung up the phone and kneels beside me putting pressure on the wound and that's when I feel myself get lost in the darkness once again.

I sit up in Camila's bed as my hand hovers over the scar, sweat trickling down my forehead. I try to calm my breathing but that doesn't seem to work out at all. Tears start to develop as if I'm feeling the painful sensation of the bullet piercing through me all over again.


I turn around to see that Camila has woken up now. "Di-did I wake you?" I stutter, a tear sliding down my cheek.

"Yes, but it's fine. What's wrong?" She sits up.

"I-i can't seem to-to forget that night," I look down at my shaking hand.

Camila sits up and holds my shaking hand in her steady ones. "Nobody is hurting you, Lauren, not anymore. What would make you forget this fear?" She speaks soothingly.

"Confronting it," I said.

"You want to go on a wild goose chase to find Keana and Jack?" Camila says.

"Sooner or later we are going to have to confront them," I said.

"I know but you just got out of the hospital," Camila says.

"It's late right now, let me sleep on it, but we're going to have to confront them," I said.

"Lay back down," Camila touches my shoulder.

I lay back down and she lays her head on my shoulder. "Crazy that we are sleeping in the same bed now," I wrap her up in my arms feeling all of that fear disappear like a horrific cry of pain rip through the silent night air and disappearing from existence.

"I've been dreaming about this for the longest time," Camila says.

"How long, baby?" I chuckle.

"Since we kissed for the first time," Camila says.

"I still remember that day like it was yesterday," I run my hand through her hair.

"What happened that night? If you don't mind me asking," Camila said.

"Well..." I begin.

The next time my eyes opened I see myself getting loaded up in an ambulance, the two paramedics talking rapidly amongst each other in Italian.

"Fretta!" The first one says. (Hurry)

"Ha già perso troppo sangue," The second ones says. (She's already lost too much blood)

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