Making Deals

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Lauren's POV

"Find her. Now!" I ordered.

"How?" Liam asks.

"If she took one of our cars then we can find her. There are trackers in every single one of our cars," I said.

"She knows all of our security details, you told her! She could have taken the tracker off," Harry says.

"Camila's not fucking stupid. Track. Her!" I seethe.

"Right away," Both boys say.

Camila's POV

I stop the car in front of the bank as I look down at the tracker in my hand. I put it in my pocket and grab the bags in the back. I get out of the car and immediately enter the bank. I walk up to the front and ask for a withdrawal.

"Name?" The woman asks.

"Camila Cabello. Soon to be Jauregui. My soon-to-be wife put my name into her bank account," I said.

"Of course. Your right here. I'll contact you with Mr. White," The woman says.

Later I'm sitting in an office as I wait for Mr. White to arrive.

The door opens and a man steps inside as he puts on his glasses.

"Hello, Ms. Cabello. What can I help you with today?" Mr. White sits in front of me.

"I need to withdraw some money from my shared bank account with Lauren," I said.

"How much money?" Mr. White asks.

"One million dollars," I answered.

"I'm very sorry but with that amount of money I will have to advise Ms. J-"

"Don't. Please. Trust me on this. Lauren cannot know about this," I said.

Mr. White looks down at his desk then lets out a sigh. "May you please write a check," He says.

I take out the checkbook and quickly write everything down. I rip it from the book and hand it to him.

He takes it and stands up as he nods slowly. "I'll be right back with all of the money," Mr. White says. He takes the duffel bags and leaves me alone once again.

Lauren's POV

I'm in the car with Liam and Harry as we are on our way to my bank. We tracked our tracker in there. My phone starts to ring and I look down to see that it's Mr. White calling me. I immediately pick it up...

"Ms. Jauregui... I have urgent news."

"Is it about Camila or Ms. Cabello?" I ask.

"Yes your future wife is here and she asked me to withdraw one million dollars from your shared account."

"Do it. Quickly," I said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Camila's POV

Mr. White comes back into the office with the duffle bags filled with stacks of money. "It is complete," He says.

I grab the bags and nod, "Thank you. Can you leave me alone for a moment?"

"Of course, Ms. Cabello," Mr. White nods and leaves the room again.

I pull my phone out and dial Halsey's number as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, hello!"

"I have the money but first show me that you truly have Halsey and Taylor," I said.

Jack is silent until my phone dings and I see that he sent me a photo.

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