One, Two Enemies

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Lauren's POV

I wake up to a soft knocking on my door making me throw the duvet off of me. I rub my eyes tiredly and I open the door. I get tackled down on the floor and I finally take notice of the situation.

"Good morning!" The boys said happily.

I chuckle softly, "Good morning mis amores." They finally get off of me and I stand up swiftly. "So what are you guys doing here your usually eating breakfast right now," I said.

"We woke but Camila isn't here," Cody says.

"What?" I let out a little too loud. I clear my throat and kneel to their height. "I mean. What do you mean she isn't here?" I ask.

"We don't know mami," Connor says.

I stand up and grab my phone from my nightstand. I unlock it and open up my messages with Camila.

Hey... Where are you?
I'm worried, Camila
Please text me back

Camila's POV

I stop walking making Dinah stop as well. I pull out my phone and see that Lauren has texted me.

"What is it?" Dinah questions me.

"Lauren texted me," I said.

"No distractions. Come on," Dinah says.

I put my phone away and start to walk with Dinah again. We are now in front of the door of a hotel room and I bring my hand up and bang on the door. We wait for a few seconds then the door opens revealing Jack.


I throw a punch across his jaw making him fall back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said.

"What are you-"

I throw another punch at him again and he falls on the floor. "Keana. Keana Issartel, asshole. Does that ring a fucking bell, Jack?" I said furiously.

Jack wipes the blood from his nose and stands up. "How did you-" He nods and wipes the new pooling blood, "Lauren."

"Yeah. What the fuck is wrong with you? You broke the honor," I said.

"You broke the honor the day you didn't kill Lauren Jauregui," Jack says.

"I'm going to fucking ruin you Jack, I'm going to fucking ruin you," I push him. I was about to walk out of the door but I stop as I look back at him. "I quit," I said.

"Quit I don't fucking care Camila," He says.

Dinah throws a punch at him causing him to fall again. She spits on him, looking down at him straight in the eyes. "Don't talk to her like that or you'll be a dead man. I quit too," Dinah says. She kicks his abdomen and walks out with me, loudly shutting the door behind her.

Lauren's POV

I pace around the living room, wiping my damp palms on my sleeping shorts. The elevator dings and I look over. I see Camila step out of the elevator and I walk over to her.

"Hey, why didn't you answer my texts? Where were you? Are you okay?" I bombard her with questions.

"I'm fine," Camila places a comforting hand on my cheek.

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