Pleasure And Jealousy

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When I point out play Ride by SoMo

Camila's POV

I let out a groan when I feel someone jump on top of me then as the mattress screeches as well.

"Camila! Wake up! Wake up!"

"What's wrong boys?" I mumble.

"Nothing, just wake up!" Cody says.

I slowly open my eyes to see the boys beaming at me. "Why do you guys have those creepily wide smiles?" I whisper.

"Because the boys decided to give you a treat this morning."

I look up at the doorway to see Lauren coming in with a bed tray table filled with delicious smelling food. I sit up just as Lauren sets the tray down in front of me.

"Good morning," Lauren brushes my bed hair aside and kisses my forehead then my cheek.

"Good morning," I smile.

"Taste your breakfast! We helped mami make it," The twins jump up and down excitedly.

"It tastes delicious I can guarantee you," Lauren smiles.

I break off a piece of waffle with the knife and fork as the jelly on top slides down, hitting the plate below. I take the piece of food into my mouth as I chew. "Oh my God," I cover my mouth as I set my utensils down.

"How does it taste?" The boys ask.

"Like heaven itself," I smile once I swallowed the chewed-up food.

The twins cheer and they high-five Lauren before leaving my room.

Lauren stays silent until the door closes. Her hand lands on my leg as she looks at me seriously. "I talked to my police officer friend," Lauren speaks softly.

"About, what?" I furrow my eyebrows with confusion.

"I don't want to ruin your breakfast," Lauren shakes her head.

"You won't," I said.

Lauren takes a deep breath then finally speaks, "He hasn't found Jack... Or Keana."

"How can't he find Keana? Isn't she active in her family company?" I ask.

"No. She dropped out on being CEO," Lauren says.

"Why?" Camila asks.

"She's running or... She's planning something," Lauren says.

I open my mouth to speak but my phone rings on the nightstand.

Lauren reaches over and looks at it. "It's Dinah," The green-eyed girl says and answers it, putting it on speaker.

"Hi, D. What's up?" I speak.

"Hey, babe! Will you be busy tonight?"

"Not that I know of. Why?" I look at Lauren confused.

"Because Zayn and I planned a bachelorette party for you and Lauren."

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrows at Lauren who just chuckles.

"So are you down?"

"It'll be rude if I didn't go," I smiled.

"Perfect! We'll all be there at 8 pm. Dress sexy. See ya!"

"See you," I said and she hangs up the phone.

"Well this will be very interesting," Lauren puts my phone back on the nightstand.

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