Light Before The Darkness

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When I point out the play My heart will go on by Celine Dion

Camila's POV

I swing my bag over my shoulder as I put on my flip-flops. I walk out of the front door as I see everyone climbing into the three cars. I climb into the one Alfred is driving as I sit next to Lauren.

Lauren smiles brightly at me then looks at Alfred, "We're ready to go."

"Yes ma'am," Alfred starts the car and drives out of the large driveway passing the big metal gates as the other cars follow behind us.

The car stops and I get out of the car, the beautiful sunlight blazing down on us. I stare around the peaceful shores of Santa Marinella.

Everyone piles out of the cars and go to find a spot on the sand.

Lauren closes the backseat door once she gets out and smiles softly at me. "Are you going to join us or are you going to keep standing there?" She jokes.

"Shut up," I giggle.

We walk beside each other and our toes soon feel the warm, soft sand.

"It's been so long since I've... Been on the beach," Lauren spoke lowly beside me.

"Since?" I question.

"I left Miami. Being on the beach was... One of my most favorite things ever. I usually went when the sun was down and the moon's beautiful light was shining," Lauren says.

"Late night strolls on the beach, huh? How more romantic can you get?" I joke.

"I was always the romantic kind. But after Keana... Well my romance died, I didn't believe in that kind of love anymore," Lauren stops walking. She turns to face me, her hair whipping against her face due to the breeze.

"And now?" I whispered, my brown eyes locked on her emerald ones.

Lauren looks around and sees the boys in the distance so she hesitates to place her hand on my cheek. "It's as overwhelming as I remembered. My heart flutters, my palms get damped, I get jittery... And it all happens when I'm with you," Lauren whispers.

"Lauren..." I whisper, "Don't say those things to me when I can't exactly kiss you right now."

"I love you..." Lauren smiles adoringly.

"I love you, Lauren..." I whisper.

Lauren's hand twitches as she tries to touch me in any way but can't. Lauren lets out a frustrated sigh and walks away from me and towards the rest.

I throw my head back, closing my eyes, and taking one deep breath then letting the air out. I walk over to the others and set my things down.

"Yo Camila wanna join us in the water?" Dinah asks.

"I'm good here," I lay back on my towel putting my sunglasses on.

Everyone goes out into the water and I lift my sunglasses to see Lauren gulping down water.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Lauren puts the almost empty bottle in her bag.

"I'm sure. Have fun," I put my sunglasses back on right.

"I'll have more fun if I got wet with you," Lauren whispers.

Before I can look up at her, she has already left. I let out a soft giggle and my muscles relax as the sun rays beam down on me.

Lauren's POV

I dip myself in the water and I come back up, my hair dripping wet. I squint my eyes due to the sunlight as my eyes scan where Camila is laying on the sand.

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