Kill Or Be Killed

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Camila's POV

I step out of the elevator as I put my cellphone in my bag. I gasp as someone put me in a headlock and held the serrated edge of a knife up to my neck.

"Pleasure Camila," He says.

"Jack. What are you doing here?" I breathe out.

"You haven't given me any update at all. I remain in suspense, have you killed her or not?" He asks.

"Give me... Give me time Jack."

"Times ticking Camila. It's either you kill or be killed," Jack lets go of me. He steps away from me and taps the edge of the knife on his watch. "Better get moving," He says. The elevator doors open behind him and he steps inside as they close and the elevator takes him down.

I bring a shaky hand up to my neck where the knife was and let out a shaky breath. The elevator dings again and I was about to give Jack a piece of my mind and maybe a little more but Lauren steps out of the elevator.

She stops in her tracks and looks at me. "Why are you still up?" She asks.

"Just got here a while ago," I said with a shaky voice.

Lauren steps closer to me and places her hands on my waist. She kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear. "Get some sleep. You'll need it for the major storm coming tomorrow," She pulls away from me.

"Ughhh don't remind me," I shake my head.

Lauren cups my chin and dips her head down slightly as she presses a comforting kiss on my lips. "Don't worry I'll be right there with you," She whispers.

"Not the way we would like," I whisper against her lips as I wrap my arms around her neck caressing the baby hairs at the nape of her neck.

"Sadly. You know if I could I would have done anything to prevent this," Lauren's thumb caresses my hip.

"I wish I could sleep with you I'm very curious about your cuddles," I smile.

Lauren chuckles and shakes her head as she pulls me impossibly closer. "I would love to have you there but I can't," She tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear, and her hand trails down to rest on my cheek.

I lean against the warmth of her palm and sigh, "Sadly, there are rules."

"It's sorta a rule... The boys go into my room a lot and I don't want to put that sort of pressure on them until I'm able to explain it," Lauren explains.

"I get it, Lauren. Sweet dreams," I kiss her cheek.

"As long as you're in them," Lauren smiles.

I giggle and back away from her, slowly walking to my room.

Lauren's POV

I wake up the next morning to loud knocks well more like bangs on my bedroom door. I sit up from my bed and groan as I get out of bed. I walk sleepily over to the door and throw it open to reveal the boys.

"Good morning, mami!" They hug my waist.

"Good morning mis amores. Why were you banging on my door?" I let out, my voice coming out raspy.

"Mamita is here," Connor says.

I let out a sigh and rub my eyes sleepily. "What did she do this time?" I kneel to their height.

"She cooked us this nasty breakfast thing," Connor says in disgust.

"What was it?" I asked.

"Some white egg omellete that had fresh spinach and mushrooms," The twins let out a gag.

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