They Found Us

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"Come on BB8!" Kira yells to the small droid as she weaves down the hallways, darting between everyone walking casually and enjoying their conversation, trying to get as far away from Poe's quarters as fast as possible. In the time they have been here, Poe has warmed up to Kira slowly but their relationship is still strained by her constant need to play pranks on him, but as she reminds him, she gets the best reactions out of him so of course, he's an easy target much like Zyan always was.

The resistance base has welcomed both her and Temiri as their own, making up for the lack of actual family in both of their lives now and making them feel at home in this new place. Kira has been working with Finn to train while Temiri splits his time working with Finn to learn how to yield a saber and harness his abilities more consistently, but is far more interested in learning how to fly with Poe.

BB8 beeps furiously at Kira from behind but she doesn't stop to listen to him, just keeps charging ahead towards the large open space in the valley between the mountains that they use as a landing pad.

"Kira!" Finn yells to stop them as soon as they break out into the opening and she looks at him startled, disappointed to see that he's with Poe, the exact person she was hoping to avoid.

"What's up with you?" Poe asks in his usual gruff yet snappy tone as she walks up and turns on her innocent act while trying to catch her breath from her sprint.

"Nothing," Kira says between winded gasps. "Just racing BB8."

"That true Buddy?" Poe asks and looks down at the small droid who beeps back with a single happy chirp. "There better not be another surprise waiting for me."

"Why would there be?" Kira tries to play cool.

"You're too much like your mother," Poe mutters and turns back to what he was doing.

"Have you two seen Temiri?" Kira asks to change the subject and hopefully allow herself a chance to escape this encounter.

"No, we," Finn begins but is interrupted as everyone's attention is drawn upwards. First, by one star destroyer appearing above them, followed by a second, and then multiple smaller ships that all stop in place, spaced out evenly around the larger ones.

"How did they find us?" Poe snaps and immediately moves to the alarm panel. "Move fast, I'm sure they aren't going to give us time like they did last time. BB8 get to the ship."

"Finn what should I do?" Kira asks falling into step behind the general who has since begun to start barking orders at everyone within earshot.

"Find Temiri, and be ready to face your family," he says between orders to other people.

"My family?"

"Yes Kira," Finn confirms curtly. "You're going to be one of the only ones who can stop them. I have tried and failed too many times."

"I don't know if I can!" She yells as they enter the loud and echoing hallway that now has flashing lights and a blaring alarm.

"You have to," he yells back as he spins to look at her right as the lights go out, followed a second later by dimmer emergency lights being turned on. "Fantastic," he mutters as he turns to continue on his original path. "Find Temiri!" he yells again before running down the hallway away from her.


"Sir, your parents have descended," an officer says behind Zyan with his shoulders back and hands clasped behind him, presenting himself professionally to the power-hungry young man who bears a striking resemblance to the once-powerful Kylo Ren that many of the personal still remember.

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