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Rey sprints down the hallway with Ben right behind her, adrenaline propelling her due to the life forces of her children getting stronger and stronger with each step, along with the rumbling sound of battle becoming clearer from the end of the hallway. She's desperate to get to them, as both she and Ben can both sense how distraught and stressed both of the kids are and she fears one or both of them are in danger.

A sinking feeling crashes through the force to her, and Rey's vision almost goes black as she clutches for the wall to keep herself upright, Ben stumbling behind her as he surely feels the same thing. Both of them look at each other, silently reacting to the crashing feeling accompanying the loss of a life force, something neither of them has felt since Leia died.

"We have to get to them," Rey says in a shaky voice as tears fight through, one slipping out and sneaking down her cheek as she runs. The hallway seems to never end as they run, the walls just continuing on for miles in front of them, and the floors getting harder and harder to run on with her shaky legs.

They round the corner into the hanger, both immediately spotting two figures on the ground in the middle of the dimly lit space, loud sobs echoing against the wall admits the sound of ships and explosions outside.

"Kira," Rey gasps as they run up and kneel down next to where she lays over Zyan's lifeless body. "What happened?" Rey asks as she pushes Zyan's hair back off his forehead and closes his eyes.

"I didn't mean to," Kira sobs, her eyes red and puffy from the salty tears. "I tried to save him, but I'm not strong enough."

"He's too far gone into the Dark Kira," Ben mutters and kneels down next to her, pulling his daughter into his arms, his helmet that Zyan had discarded in his one hand. "You couldn't have helped him no matter what you did," Ben comforts as she melts into his arms and he looks over at Rey.

With his free hand, he sets the helmet down and reaches out to run his hand down the side of Zyan's face and Rey grabs their son's hand as she fights back the sorrow of losing a child, trying to be strong for Kira. "Go," Rey whispers to Zyan and cups his cheek, her vision blurring from the tears burning in her eyes.

Ben and Rey wait as warmth wraps around them for a moment before Zyan's body fades in front of them, his clothing and his saber which lies a few feet away the only things left behind. "Leia," Rey says and closes her eyes with a smile. "Take care of him," she adds, more tears slipping down her cheeks.

"It's okay," Ben whispers to Kira who has since calmed but her shoulders still shudder as she continues to cry. "Your Grandmother's got him."

"But he was closed off to the light," Kira argues.

"If she found him, then not entirely," Ben explains and pulls her back up against him.

"My vision," Rey mumbles and Ben looks over at her, noticing that she has since picked up his old helmet and holds it in both of her hands, the face of the dark mask held together by red lines pointed to look at her. "It was so clearly you in my vision and I spent so much time trying to save you, that Zyan slipped through my fingers. I couldn't save you both. Ben," Rey's voice drops to a whisper and she looks up at him. "I killed him."

"You didn't, I did," Kira responds back, her head nestled deep into Ben's chest still.

"It's neither of your faults. He made is his decision and there were consequences for his actions," Ben assures them and looks up at Rey who has since stood up and is looking around. "What is it?"

"Finn is near," Rey mutters and turns to the side, her eyes landing on a figure who is barely silhouetted by the emergency lights in the hallway.

She stares at him, waiting for him to step forward towards them. With a backward glance to Ben who works to stand up with Kira, keeping her tucked up against him, Rey steps forward toward Finn. Reaching for her saber, Rey unclips it from her belt slowly as she walks, not breaking eye contact with him, causing him to reach up and rest his hand on his own saber.

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