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"Ready?" Ben smirks at Rey, with his hand behind his back holding his saber.

"Ready," she responds returning the smile and leaning forward towards him in challenge.

"You know I'll win every time," he teases and leans forward.

"We'll see," she teases back and gives him a quick peck on the lips before they both take their stances and ignite their sabers.

The red sabers crackle and pop next to them, and they circle around each other taunting the other one and waiting to see if the other will strike first.

"I bet mom will win," Zyan says to Kira and Rey winks at Ben.

"No, dad is stronger, he'll win," Kira argues.

Ben spins his saber next to him, giving Rey a chance to strike. She stabs her saber in, breaking his rhythm, and causing a clash between the two of them. Two little giggles erupt from the kids as they clap and 'ahhh' at the bright spark. They have watched Ben and Rey train countless times before but the kids had never witnessed them sparring with their actual sabers.

She advances on him, spinning her saber in a practiced and effortless pattern, catching his eye occasionally and grinning back at him. His blows against her saber are powerful, knocking her nearly off-balance each time and igniting an even greater fire to propel herself with.

Finally Ben stumbles after Rey lays three quick hits on his saber, leaving little time for him to compose himself. She kicks into his chest, something that has become one of her signature moves, making him stumble even further back until he eventually lands on his back.

"Ha!" Zyan yells. "I knew mom would win."

Rey laughs as she disengages her saber and clips it onto her belt before outstretching her hand to help Ben up. With a quick tug, Ben pulls her down to his level, her small body colliding with his.

"Ben Solo!" Rey yells in shock and grabs a handful of snow which she smashes into his face.

Zyan and Kira sprint towards their parents on the ground and propel themselves on top of them, joining them in a tangle of arms and legs with giggles.

"Group hug," Ben yells as he attempts to wrap his arms around all three of them and they fight to throw snow back at him. "Okay, that's not working!" He yells as he rolls them over, pinning Rey and Kira and tickling their sides. The two giggle and fight to get away as Zyan jumps on Ben's back, trying to hold him in a chokehold, despite being not even half of his size. "Oh my gosh, he's got me," Ben fakes as he falls back softly, trapping Zyan under his weight.

"I'll help you Zy!" Kira giggles as she pulls on Ben's hand with no success and Rey leans back on her gloved hands watching him tussle with the kids.

"Oh, my maker! She's so strong!" Ben yells as he boosts himself forward and sits up, releasing Zyan who jumps back on his back. "I can't fight both of them!" Ben stands up with Zyan still on his back and picks Kira up under his arm, charging back up towards the house.

The two kids kick their legs and fight to get away, but Ben is completely unphased. "I'm so tired," he fake yawns as he drops to his knees. "I think I should take a nap." He lays on his side in the snow, grabbing Zyan and wrapping him in his arms with Kira, and closes his eyes while making fake snoring noises.

"Mom!" Zyan giggles, still trying to get away, and Rey walks over to them with a smile plastered on her face.

"Alright you monsters, let's get back to training, playtime is over," Rey says as she stops and stands over them, her arms crossed in front of her stomach. "That includes you too," she says right to Ben.

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