You Know

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This story picks up right as Kylo reveals Rey's identity to her in Tros, and then I break off from the story pretty quickly as I explore the idea of Dark Rey. 

*construction note: I am going through and polishing my writing and making small adjustments. The main storyline will not change, but there will be minor changes being made*

"You are a Palpatine." His dark voice breaks through his mask, settling the feeling of a heavy weight in her chest making it hard for her to take a breath in. Rey looks up at his mask, her legs shaking beneath her, and her mouth moving as she grasps for words. She wants so bad to deny it, run away from it, but those words hold something else, a sense of belonging, a purpose, a darkness that she has felt boiling deep inside of her for some time now.

He continues his rehearsed monologue, pressing her back towards the entrance to the hanger, Behind her, the dark sky that leads down to Kimiji is framed by the illuminated entrance of the hanger that casts a blue glow across her skin and clothes. Rey barely hears his words, just a small, continuous murmur as her own thoughts scream in her head, overwhelming every part of her and completely immobilizing her. Then it hits, a sudden stillness, the chaos in her head stops, and everything feels balanced again as the words "we're a dyad in the force, Rey, two that are one" slip out of his mouth. She stares up at his mask, the dark holes bearing down on her and she blinks slowly as she processes his statement.

Those words solidify the feeling that's been trying to creep in constantly through visions and nightmares. She knows that they're destined to be together and to rule together, plus the connection she feels to him is undeniable. He is her other half, and the strength she feels when he is near is like nothing else she has ever experienced before.

"We'll kill him," Kylo says with conviction. "Together, take the throne." Rey feels her shoulders relax at the sounds of his words despite fighting the overwhelming urge to escape just like the many times before.

He moves almost in slow motion, as he reaches up to his helmet, a small whistling noise ringing out as it releases before he pulls it off. Bringing it down in front of his face, he shakes his hair out, tossing it just slightly and looking her in the eyes for the first time since Pasaana. Despite the great distance between them on the barren desert, she can see the memory of him clearly that day, his hair and cape moving in the sand-filled wind. Rey's breath leaves her at the sight of him again and she immediately knows what her decision is. 'This isn't chance, this is our undeniable destiny,' she thinks.

"You know what you need to do." His brow is furrowed but his eyes are soft and pleading. "You know," he emphasizes with a raspy whisper.

"I do know," Rey whispers in return, tears still trying to escape the corners of her eyes as she looks at his outstretched gloved hand like the other times he propositioned before. Kylo watches her curiously and tries to push into her mind but she pushes back with a vengeance, denying him access to her thoughts.

A rumbling comes from under their feet followed by the roar of the Millenium Falcon as it flies upwards, filling the opening of the hangar. Poe rotates the ship from the cockpit, the ship of Kylo's childhood, facing the boosters at them, the rush of wind throwing the troopers back. Rey braces herself against the gust behind her and Kylo leans into it, his look of determination piercing into her.

"Rey!" Finn yells from the lowered door below the ship and extends his hand to her as well across the space between them.

Rey looks at Kylo who is standing up straighter now, still bracing against the wind, and then back at Finn, conflicted by the pull from both sides. "Rey come on!" Finn yells and she looks at him again.

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