Lifting Rocks

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A/N: I went from having no chapters written to being six chapters ahead, so here's a third update this week! Sorry I have no consistent schedule. My minimum is one update a week, but as I have chapters ready, I figured, why wait? Also, special bonus, this chapter and the next were originally one chapter, but I split them because of how long they were so we get a double update today! Enjoy!

"Sir," a voice regards Kylo from behind them, and Rey grips the desk in front of her out of anger with her back to them. Since retuning to the base following their wedding last week, Rey had noticed most of the generals and officers adversion to addressing her directly, and it was frankly grinding at her patience.

"General Pryde," Rey snaps and turns, placing herself in front of Kylo, effectively taking over the situation, her arms crossed in front of her mid section.

"Rey," he says politely.

"Empress or Ma'am." Rey stares at him, unblinking and unmoving waiting for his reaction which he doesn't give her, just blinks his piercing blue eyes, waiting for the situation to defuse itself.

"It's not a big deal," Kylo reasons from behind her while trying to turn her towards him with his hands on her shoulders.

"Maybe to you."

"Rey," Kylo says with a hint of warning to his tone.

"What? I'm tired of you bulldozing me and excluding me. You will include me in decisions, and the generals, officers, and lieutenants will address me as I wish."

"Don't speak to me like that," he warns, his voice lower and more severe.

"Or what?" Rey cocks her head to the side in challenge, catching Kylos hand in mid air with the force, stopping his attempt to backhand her again. "That's cute," she chuckles while watching his cheeks turn red from fighting against her force hold and from embarrassment in front of the two generals and trooper captain present.

Rey drops his hand, turning back to General Pryde, trusting that Kylo won't try something again, at least not until they leave the control room and they don't have an audience anymore.

"What seems to be the issue today," Rey asks, calmer now and looking at the hologram screen lit up on the round table in front of them. The view is zoomed into Canto Bight, including the mountains surrounding it and the bay the city is nestled on.

"What seems to be the issue," Pryde begins, drawing the word 'seems' out in frustration.

Rey turns to him, grabbing him by the throat with the force and pushing him back up against a bank of windows. With slow steady steps, she approaches him, keeping her face even, watching him grab at his throat as he fights for air.

"Is there an issue?" She asks only a foot away from him.

"No," he gasps out, his fingers still grasping at his throat.

"I'm sorry?" Rey cocks her head to the side. "I didn't quite hear that."

"No," -gasp- "issue," -gasp- "ma'am."

Rey stares at him, slightly amused by this man who has such a large ego at her mercy, her arms crossed in front of her in boredom as his face turns a light purple.

"Rey," Kylos voice barks a word of warning sharply, commanding her to stop.

Rey turns to look at him over her shoulder, meeting his eyes which are a harsh dark color and she rolls hers in response. "Fine," Rey concedes and turns back to the table as Pryde falls to the ground with a thud, taking a desperate deep breath and coughing as air refills his lungs. "General Parnadee, please enlighten me since your partner is incapable."

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