Chapter sixteen

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When he pulls away I'm frozen in place out of shock. Did that really just happen? I can't believe he just did that. I thought Jinx was just playing with my head when he said that Pan felt this way about me. I had never thought that he was being serious especially after finding out that Jinx is actually a mentally unstable jerk. Pan is gazing into my eyes as if searching for a certain reaction. He gives me a sheepish smile and takes my hand in his.

I just stand there gawking at him unable to move. Pan's face hardens as I've not reacted the way he had hoped. He steps away from me and lets my hand go. He gives me a sad and disappointed look before turning and walking away from me. I shake my head, snapping myseldf out of my shock and I go after him. I'm not letting him get away from me.

"Pan, wait," I shout after him. He halts and turns to face me. His face looks less sad and has returned to an almost neutral expression obviously trying to hide the hurt. He watches me as I get closer to him. I look at his face and study it for a few seconds. His eyes are fixed on mine waiting for me to do something. I place my hand on his cheek but he doesn't move. I rise to my toes to bring myself closer to him as he is much taller than I am. I slowly lean closer to him, closing the gap between us and I placing my lips on Pan's.

He tenses against me for a split second then relaxes and kisses me back. He cups the back of my neck with his hand and places his other hand on the small of the back pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck. Mostly to stop myself from falling though I doubt Pan would have let that happen.

Pan pulls away first and gazes at my face. He smiles at me and I can't help but to return it. He cups my cheek in his hand and lightly strokes it with his thumb. I lean my face into his hand, briefly closing my eyes. When I reopen my eyes, Pan is looking over the top of my head.

I turn around to see Benjy gaping at me along with all of Pan's main boys gaping at the both of us. A few of the other boys have stopped and are staring at us as well. Slightly, Crash, Clay and Felix are all standing in a group with smug grins on their faces like they knew this would happen all along. They probably did. Even Jinx seemed to know.

"Took you long enough!" shouts one of the boys. I can't see who said it but all the boys laugh. I can't help but do the same.

I roll my eyes and gaze up at Pan who is already staring at me. He has this sweet and goofy smile of his face but at the same time quite charming. He stands next to me with his arm draped around my shoulders. I have to stop myself from flinching at his casualness. This has jumped rather quickly but it is not at all unwelcome. His eyes are bright and kind, unlike what I've ever seem them before.

"I cannot believe you did that," he says. "You gave up your friendship and security with Jinx for us. You could have stayed with him and you would have been just as happy I guess. But you chose us over him. Even after what happened, how I've treated you. You still chose us over him."

"Yes I did. It was an easy decision to make once I knew Jinx had lied to me," I explain to him. "I guess I always knew where my place was. Being around Jinx and all his followers just made me miss everyone here. If Jinx hadn't of turned out to be a total jerk then I may not have decided so easily. Besides, Jinx was insufferably smug. I was just trying to be a good friend and make sure he didn't make a total fool of himself." 

Pan laughs and a few of the boys do too. Only Slightly, Felix and Crash remain. The rest have dispersed, obviously not interested in listening to us anymore. Doesn't bother me. Just means I don't have an audience watching me anymore.

"But that being said, Jinx wasn't kidding," Pan says, sobering slightly. "He will come back. He won't give up now that he knows he's lost you as leverage against me. He hates me for what happened with Wendy. He loved her. We both did."

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